24 || Tough Love

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Edited: 09.11.2022

Song: Russ - Cherry Hill (slowed + reverb)



It's all that fills the car and it gets so unbearable that I can do nothing but pull out my phone and scroll through my notifications, effectively ignoring the man driving.

Because that's how this was. I was ignoring him.

Maybe he was tired of apologizing, or maybe he was fed up with not getting what he wanted, but I didn't care. I wasn't ready to forgive him.

I don't dare give him any attention as I busy myself with my phone. I was going to keep it up until we got home, only that proves to be difficult as I cast a glance up to see him take the wrong turn.

We weren't going home.

I'm tempted to ask him where we're going or tell him to take me home, but that would mean speaking to him and I wasn't going to be doing that anytime soon.

I try to act unbothered, but I'd be lying if I said the curiosity mixed with the way Alessio doesn't look like he's going to speak anytime soon, isn't making me anxious.

The man merely continues to drive, a hand lazily thrown over the steering wheel, his gold watch blocking my view of the veins that trail his skin as they dip beneath his sleeve, while his other hand lays atop the gear shift, his thumb tapping away.

My gaze pauses on the sight of his thumb tapping on the gear, it doesn't look absentminded or nonchalant. It's as if he's tapping away impatiently. His gaze remains on the road but with each ping of my phone chiming, his jaw ticks.

I bite down on my bottom lip to suppress my smile of satisfaction and when I feel him turn his head, I divert my attention to my phone screen.

My satisfaction is short lived for the next thing I know, we're taking a sharp turn. One that sends my phone flying to the floor before we make a sudden stop, one that sends my phone under the seat.

He shuts off the ignition and nods towards the old worn out structure that just so happens to be my favourite diner - the one I'd taken us to last time. "Out." He says, in that demanding voice of his.

I do no such thing.

I glare at him as he steps out of the car and walks through the empty parking lot and towards my door.

I was not going to listen to the man. And despite this diner being my favourite place at this time because it was always empty and served the best grilled cheese sandwiches, I wanted to be anywhere else, with anyone else.

The passenger side door opens and I sense his overbearing presence it's just as strong as his hard gaze penetrating the side of my head. "Unless you want me throwing you over my shoulder and making a scene." His voice is determined and lacks any sympathy. "I suggest you get out of the car, Giana."

I finally cast a glance up at him, there was no way he'd do that. I was in a skirt, a short one at that. But with the way he stands with his face impassive like he's made up his mind has me slowly making my way out.

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