58 || Nine Hours

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Song: Billie Eillish - Six Feet Under (slowed + reverb)


The confusion that ensues after waking up in a foreign place is a feeling I thought I wouldn't have to endure after being saved. But the second I flutter my eyes open and glance around, that same feeling greets me.

Only this time it's no accompanied by darkness, it's accompanied by the bright light shining down on me, the sound of some sort of machine and the light snores sounding from somewhere around me.

I crane my neck to the side to see an empty chair. There's various snack wrappers littered across it and when I glance down at myself, I realise I'm in a hospital room.

I shift, trying to rid my body of the discomfort but it doesn't help. I groan out but all that sounds from my dry throat is a weak croak.

I continuously hit the red button on the side of my bed and then my eyes trail off to the left side of the room. There's a couch along the wall but my attention isn't on the cream material, it's on the man sitting the couch, his large body looking uncomfortable against the relatively small sized couch.

Alessio's in his white dress shirt and slacks sitting up on the sofa, but his arms are crossed, his legs are spread wide open and his head is tipped back.

Soft snores pour out of his lips and I try to open my mouth to speak but all that comes out is a dry cough.

I turn my head at the sound of footsteps to see a woman in scrubs walk into the room. "You're up." She smiles as she moves towards me.

She immediately hands me a cup of water and I drink it as she adjusts my bed, positioning me so that I'm sitting up. 

"It's about time." She mumbles and I continue drinking my water as she moves towards my right arm.

It's mostly wrapped and when I attempt to move my left arm up, I wince at the heavy feeling.

She cringes. "You're gonna have to be careful. That wound is still healing."

"How." I clear my throat. "His long have I been here?" My voice is barely above a whisper.

"About four days." She nods and my eyes widen.

"But don't worry you've had great company." She says before her brows furrow and she places a hand on her hips. "I don't know where the other two went, but your boyfriend hasn't left your side."

"Boyfriend?" I sigh, rubbing at my temples as I try to process al this information.

I was out for four days?

Four days without my skincare routine? And that wasn't including the day I was kidnapped. I internally groan. 

"That handsome man over there." She nods towards Alessio, but before I can say anything else she's going into detail about my injuries and doing a check up.

My entire right side was scratched up and the cuts were all tended to, all that was left was bruising. My wrist wasn't sprained but I had to refrain from lifting anything and my left upper arm was stitched up from the stab wound and it needed more time to heal.

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