28 || Touch Me

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Edited: 10.1.2022

Song: Chase Atlantic - slow down (slowed + reverb)


I'm thoroughly exhausted by the time I get home, and the day hasn't even come to an end.

But that doesn't stop the world around me from moving. Alessio's disappeared into his office, saying he's got work to do and Marco's already pulled me into another session of trying to retain boring information.

Something that seemed to be useless and cause frustration between the two of us. That is until I'm able to slip away, excusing myself to practice my music.

I rarely ever needed to practice my music, so instead, I took it upon myself to run a bath, willing my mind a detox with a new book.

I wasn't a big reader. It always took me too long to finish a book that is when something is able to grasp my attention for long enough.

This one seemed promising, that is until I'm halfway through, anticipating the love story to get explicit, but am rewarded by nothing but a fade to black scene.

I toss the book onto my bed do something I know will make up for the annoyance I've faced all day. I change into one of the new two piece night sets I'd purchased.

This one's white and although it was a little too expensive, the confidence it gave me was worth every penny.

I then reach for the book, and make a move to leave my room, with every intention of burning this damn thing.

My house slippers slap against the hardwood floors as I move down the hall, only stopping when Alessio emerges from his office.

He's busy undoing the buttons on his dress shirt, but he lifts his head. His gaze an absentminded glance that starts at the tips of my toes, all the way up the length of my body, to my face. His gaze sharpening has he does so.

It makes me come to a complete stop.

"Where are you going?" I can't tell if the rasp to his voice is because he's tired, hasn't spoken to anyone in a while or something else.

"To find fire." I mumble, my attention going to his large hands that have resumed their activities of undoing the buttons of his shirt.

"Should I be concerned?" I look up to see his brow raised at me.

It takes me a moment to snap back into it, but when I do, I lightly shake my head, "No." I slowly walk towards him, stopping when I get close enough to see the tired bags beneath his eyes. "I'm just going to burn this book."

He stops what he's doing and glances to the book in my hand. "What did it ever do to you?"

I blink up at him, completely serious. "It pissed me off."

He cracks a tiny smile and my chest loosens at the sight while he steps back, nodding towards his bedroom door. "You can use my fireplace."

With a tiny sigh, I follow after him until we get into his bedroom and move towards the large fireplace.

The man steps forward and moves the protective film in front of the fire aside, allowing me to toss the book into it before he steps back next to me.

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