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This is getting ridiculous, Chris has been paying for even more calls.
The majority of Alex's time on OnlyFans belongs to this guy, and it's earning Alex a total of $500 now, but as much as he needs the money, he also feels like this is getting way out of hand.
Chris has been so mellow though, and hasn't been as rough since Alex sent that warning message to him so he's entertaining the man using the mindset that it's just money in his pocket. It's all fine.

"I came home from work and you were in just a tee shirt doing the dishes, the black one with the holes in it that barely covers your ass, in tiny skimpy underwear. The ones you know I like, black thong with the lace waistband that's partially ripped from when I grabbed you." Chris starts, sitting in what looks to be a living room setting. It's been this way for a few weeks now. Maybe he moved. He used to just be in his weird little basement, gaming room setup type thing. He's a wreck, his hair is a mess, that five o'clock shadow is back and he's got leftover food on his chin.
Again, Alex wants to vomit, but for the sake of that extra $100 being added to his bank account, he'll keep going. 
"Mhmmm" Alex smiles, pretending to like this.
"Can you go actually do some dishes, let me watch you. I want to see your hands." Again with the hands. Always the hands.
Considering there are dishes in the sink anyway, Alex agrees and goes to his kitchen, making sure to keep the camera angled so that Chris can't see what the rest of his and Jenna's apartment looks like. He's still doing calls there, though he's almost completely moved into Jack's now but he's still paying two more months of rent to give Jenna time to find a new roommate. He's just uncomfortable doing calls at Jack's still, especially with this guy. 
The way Chris handles Alex doing something as mundane as doing dishes is so creepy, it's disgusting and the sounds he's making have Alex wanting to vomit. In that moment, he's grateful that all Chris can see are his hands and the dishes he's currently scrubbing at. 
Still, he's harmless.
He's just creepy. There's a lot of that on the internet. Chris is no different. He could be going after children, but instead he's got a hand kink for Alex. Alex would rather it be him than some innocent child.

After their call, Alex feels like he needs to shower despite the fact that he didn't even do anything. Chris didn't ask him for any touching, he didn't ask for anything overtly sexual. He asked for Alex to do things with his hands.
Still, it leaves a bad taste in Alex's mouth and horrible, lingering thoughts in his head as he thinks about what this guy could do to partners in his real life.
He doesn't want to find out. 

Now that his work schedule is back to normal, he's kept it low and slow on OnlyFans for his own sanity, and he's settled into a better routine with his schoolwork, he's had so much more time for Jack and it's made them both so much happier.
Today they're moving the rest of Alex's things into the house, like his personal computer which is going to go in the guest room. He'd left his bed, desk and dresser at his apartment with Jenna for the next roommate in case they want it. If not, Jenna can sell it all. 
It's safe to say he and Jack are both so excited about this new chapter. It's so close to a year in their relationship, and to both of them, nine months in a healthy, non toxic relationship is a long time. Neither of them had much luck in the relationship department until now, and it feels nice. It feels right.
Getting settled down and finally not being intimidated by it is so freeing in Alex's mind. 
Jack kisses him as they finish setting everything up, some of Alex's decor, some of Jack's, Alex's choice in bedding, Jack's choice in room organization and where the furniture is placed. New sofas, new dining room table. It's not much for their new, small apartment but it's home and it's theirs. It's equal and they both love it. It's got Jack's quirks and taste, and it's got Alex's. One thing Jack had to say though is that Alex is by far a better house decorator than he ever was. Even though they didn't get too much in the way of new things, the way Alex changed it all up, hanging portraits and other art pieces at different heights on the walls, the way Alex purposely folded the throw blanket over the back of the couch into a cute little triangle shape draping over it, and the way Alex organized the kitchen looked like it came out of an interior decorating magazine. 

"Do you think we'll ever be married and have like, kids or something?" Alex asks, laying down on the new sofa with Jack.
Jack smiles, "I think so. I think we should get a dog or a cat first." He smirks.
Alex laughs, "Yeah we should definitely see how well we can keep an animal alive. Let's try a fish tank before we go all out with an actually active animal."
Jack grins, "Deal. You wanna go to the pet shop in the mall and get one? We can get something cool set up and some cute fishies." 
Alex sits up, absolutely beaming at the idea, "Really? Right now?"
Jack nods, "we have all day, I mean we're both off today so why not right?"

So that's exactly what they do.
They're browsing the mall a bit first, Alex needs some new shoes for work, so they go into Journeys and look at some of the work appropriate options.
He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the Chris lookalike again. He's so well made up, it can't be Chris. It can't be. There's no way. This guy looks like a slightly chubbier, much less attractive version of Patrick Stump, and even from a distance, Alex can tell that this guy has brown eyes, not blue. He'd see Chris's blue eyes from a mile away, considering that's the only good thing he has going for him in the looks, and well, everything department. 
He shakes it off, this guy must live local. He's seen him a couple of places before, or at least he thinks he has, he can't be sure with how average he is. 
He and Jack leave the store with new shoes in tow and head to the pet store, where Alex spends a good hour and a half picking out a good tank setup and three fish. 
He's excited, watching Jack set the tank up, talking to their little fishies in their temporary tank given to them by the pet store until their big tank is ready.
He's decided to name the black and white one Cookie, the gold one Leia, because of the gold bikini, and the all white one is Snow, after Jon Snow. 
Jack was more than amused by Alex's choices, but he didn't argue. Leia was kind of cool, although they weren't even sure what sex these fish were.

The next day at work, and the next week even, Alex saw the Chris lookalike and with that happening, on top of Chris and his calls being more and more weird, and more and more of a live action roleplay rather than his normal type of video calls, it's safe to say that Alex is at this point kind of scared of the guy.

"Jack, can I show you something?" He asks, sitting next to him on the couch.
Jack nods, "Yeah, of course. What is it?" He looks over at Alex's work phone.
"It's this guy Chris. So I know we agreed to not really talk about this, but I talked to Jenna and she told me to just unsubscribe the guy and block him, but I want your opinion too, if that's okay. I understand." 
Jack shrugs, "Alex I know the kind of stuff you do on there. Remember, I started as a subscriber." He smirks a little, remembering the good ol' days.
Alex rolls his eyes, "Yeah but this guys is like next level. You were an innocent little girl scout basically compared to this dude." He starts scrolling through their texts, and he explains the calls, "He's gotten so much weirder with calls, like during them, I'm basically his little housewife, and I'm constantly pissing him off, so I have to be like, really kinky and shit with the way I talk, and he wants me to only show my hands, specifically the tattooed one, whenever we're talking, like he's got a hand fetish. He says my hands are masculine and the rest of me is feminine and soft, and like, pretty. He told me he wants me to recreate the pictures Jenna took of me replacing the engine in my car, because it's hot that I look like this and know how to do manly things like that, and it's just sort of weird you know? I think the guy is harmless though. I think he's just creepy and lonely, and like lives in his mom's basement or something. And get this. On one of our calls a couple of months ago, I let him do his thing and he like, had Cheeto dust all over his fingers and then right when we were done, and he was having me like compliment and baby him because he's into that sort of thing, he just sits there ass naked, shoveling Cheetos in his mouth." Alex shudders at the memory.
Jack is looking at him with raised eyebrows, reading the texts over and over again, "Yeah, no I would just block this dude honestly. That's creepy. Like, beyond. I know there's a ton of creeps on OnlyFans, and I know you've got fucking torture kink subscribers, but this is the kind of guy I picture skinning people and like, making furniture out of their flesh." He hands Alex's phone back, disgusted. He doesn't want to see anymore.

Alex sighs "But Jack, his money is so good and I really do think he's harmless. Just creepy." He bites his lip.
Jack shrugs his shoulders, "I mean if you think he's harmless, then go ahead but I want you to tell me if he gets too much worse, okay? I just don't like the sound of him. He makes me uncomfortable and I'm not even the one talking to him, so that should tell you something." 
Alex simply nods and turns his phone back off, taking into consideration what Jenna and Jack are telling him to do. He might just do it. There's no way the money is worth this. It's almost humiliating to him, and Alex is the type of guy who doesn't have much shame in the way of these things.

All throughout the next week, Alex is keeping himself busy with work and with school, but nearly every time he goes out, he's seeing more and more of this Chris lookalike, but he's looking good and well groomed, whereas Chris on the calls, he's clean shaven lately, but his hair is still a dirty wreck, he looks greasy and just overall disgusting. There's just no way this can be the same guy, but the resemblance is starting to be creepy.
Again, he convinces himself that Chris and this other guy just share a lot of similarities. Hell, there's probably someone out there who looks like Jack, and another girl who looks like Jenna, and someone who looks like Jack's sister, and someone who looks like he does and so on.
He's making himself paranoid and he hates it. He's really got to block Chris. 
He's freaking him out too much. Too much creepy communication on top of this lookalike who seems to maybe be a new resident in the area, since he's always really just looking around everywhere and kind of lurking, like he doesn't know where he is or what he's doing.
Again, Alex brushes it off. He has to. There's no possible way that man is Chris, because the world is huge and Chris more than likely doesn't live anywhere near Alex.

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