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While their night was something special, it didn't make up for the weeks following that Alex didn't exactly change anything. It's not like Jack was exactly expecting him to, per se, but he was hoping that maybe, just maybe, Alex could set a schedule or something to do his OnlyFans stuff while he was out at work or editing or something. Still, that didn't happen. Neither of them really suggested it either, though.
As it stands, Alex has been on the couch texting his subscribers back all day, updating his profile with all new pictures, some of which he asked Jack to take. Of course, Jack did because he's doing his absolute best to still accept all of this, despite the fact that it's getting harder and harder to.
"Can you get off your phone?" Jack asks in a slightly irritated voice, leaning against the wall as he'd just come back from the kitchen with some snacks for them to finish the movie they'd been watching, "You do realize we're going to meet my parents tonight, right? What's going to happen then? You're going to be sitting on my mom's couch texting your other boyfriends?"

Alex raises an eyebrow at him, setting his phone down on his lap.
"My other boyfriends?" He asks, his tone snippy and angry. How dare Jack say that? How dare he make that assumption at all?
Jack leans against the wall, crossing his arms, "Yeah. Your other boyfriends. You say the same shit to them that you say to me. You do the same shit to them that you do to me, the only difference is, it's online. Sometimes I wonder if you're really in this or if I just have myself fooled." 
Alex glares at him, standing up. "You're kidding me, right?" 
Jack shakes his head, "No, actually. I'm not. We've been official for nearly two months now. I know that doesn't seem like a lot to you, and maybe it's not, but I expected maybe something to change. Maybe just a little more time spent with me than on there." It's a fair point.
Alex sighs, "This is what I do. You know it's what I do. It's how I met you, for fucks sake. What do you want from me, Jack? You really think I don't take this seriously? I practically live with you. Half of your closet space is mine. Half of your dresser space is mine. I'm at my own house for maybe two days out of the week. I don't do that shit with just anyone. I don't leave stuff at people's houses and ditch my roommate and comfort of my own home for just anyone. So what exactly is it that you want from me?" Alex's tone is nothing but angry, there's no room for Jack and his fair points right now.
Jack rolls his eyes, "Nothing Alex. I don't want anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. I just hoped that maybe you'd do this shit while I'm gone. Or while you are at your own house. Something. Not while we're literally cuddling on the couch watching movies, kissing and shit. I've said nothing about it the whole time, and I haven't said anything for weeks, but you're literally basically on top of me, kissing me and cuddling me, telling me how much you care about me. Then five minutes later, you're pulling away from me to text someone back. Doesn't that seem just a tiny bit fucked up? I mean fuck. You've got me taking pictures for you, and I do it. Because this is what you do. It's your thing. I accept that. What I don't accept is the lack of time you set aside for us. I still feel like I'm just another subscriber to you, one that's earned you coming over and seeing me in person." 

"You are the most insecure person I've ever met. God damn. You stress me the fuck out." Alex shakes his head, walking from the room into Jack's room, heading towards the closet.
"Where the hell are you going? You can't even talk to me? Respond to anything I said? Instead I'm just insecure?" Jack follows him into the tiny walk in closet.
Alex is pulling things from the shelf and shoving them into his bag.
Jack pulls the bag away and throws it out the closet door and into his bedroom.
"Stop Alex."
Alex tries to get around him, "No. I'm leaving. You can't just tell me I've got other boyfriends, act all jealous and insecure one day and then the next tell me you support me and shit, and then expect me to want to talk about it right now. I'm leaving."
Jack puts his hand on Alex's wrist, "Don't go. I just want to talk to you, Alex," His tone is more desperate than angry now, "You won't fucking talk to me though! It's driving me insane! I don't see what's so wrong with me asking for you to spend a little more time with me!"
"There's nothing wrong with it, you idiot! It's the way you went about this entire conversation! It's the way you get so fucking pissy at me one day and the next you don't say a word! It's confusing! Most days I think you're totally fine because you don't show me anything that tells me that you're not, and then you pop off like you are right now on another day! I'm done with it!" Alex shouts, in Jack's face.
Jack glares, cupping his face and kissing him hard.
Alex returns the kiss, pulling away just slightly "Don't kiss me! You are the most frustrating man I've ever met!" Still, when Jack leans in to kiss him again, he kisses him back. They're angry kisses, aggressive and hard. Far from loving.
The tension between them is thick.
"And you," Jack continues the barrage of kisses, "Are the most infuriating," Kiss, "irritating," Kiss, "self centered," Kiss, "asshole I've ever met!" Alex's arms are around Jack's neck now, their bodies pressed together as Alex kisses Jack aggressively, Jack gripping at Alex's hips.
"I'm done with it too Alex," Jack says as he angrily kisses Alex's neck, biting it in all of the right spots, "I just fucking want you to act like my fucking boyfriend and you piss me off so fucking bad!" All of this is said as they're both shedding each other's clothes, angry and hot. Tense and passionate. Heated and pissed the fuck off.
"And I want you to stop being such an insecure, jealous man who expects more from me than I can fucking give! I'm not your fucking husband." Alex glares, tugging Jack's pants down.
Jack turns Alex around, shoving him against the set of shelves with the three drawers underneath, Alex's head fits perfectly inside one of the shelves.
Alex backs his ass up instinctively, wanting exactly what Jack's about to give. He won't let Jack know that he's so eager though. He's too pissed off to give Jack that sort of satisfaction.
"I couldn't imagine being married to someone who can't fucking put their fucking phone down long enough to spend any time with me. To someone who'd rather," Jack doesn't waste time stretching Alex. Alex knows it. He wants it. He wants the burn, "Jerk himself off in the other room to some other fucking man who's probably old as fuck with saggy fucking disgusting balls and fucking liver spots." Jack grips Alex's hips and thrusts into him hard, making Alex's head hit the wall of the back of the shelf. Alex lets out a pained and pleasured groan.

He looks back at Jack "Good!" He backs his ass up against Jack as he rails into him, moans that he doesn't want to give Jack pouring out of his mouth anyway, "If we were married I swear to god I would've killed," A loud moan escapes his mouth as Jack rails him, right against his prostate and god damn it Alex hates the satisfaction that's giving Jack as he lets out a low moan of his own, on his little power trip. The rest of Alex's words get lost as Jack hits that spot over and over again, Alex's head bouncing against the wall. He turns his head the wrong way to yell at Jack again and winds up hitting his nose against the shelf, making it bleed.
Good, Jack thinks as he digs his fingers into Alex's hips, sure to bruise them.
Alex doesn't hate the bleeding either, it's hot. He's rocking his hips back against Jack as Jack carries on his dry fuck. It's so fucking good. Alex is forgetting why he was mad in the first place.
Jack can't have that though. He yanks Alex back by his hair, earning the most slutty moan from his boyfriend's mouth.
He hides his smirk and holds back his moan from the pleasure he's getting from the change in position. He's not giving Alex the satisfaction either.
They're on the floor now, Alex on his stomach, Jack straddling his thighs, pinning Alex's hands up above his head, low groans escaping his mouth as he pounds into Alex's tight ass. He can't help it. It feels too good.
The friction of the carpet against Alex's cock is too much for him to handle, the way it hurts and burns each time Jack pulls nearly all the way out and pounds back into him again, it's too much. It's too hot. Jack on a power trip is fucking sexy and he'd be stupid to deny it.
"Swear to fucking god Jack," Alex moans out, trying so hard to sound angry, "I'm leaving."
"Good. I'll help you pack." Jack seethes. Bullshit.
"Good." Alex responds, he'd say more, but Jack had let go of his hands and had lifted him, so now he's on his knees, face down, ass up. Dear god it's fucking euphoric.
"You're the most..." Thrust, moan, "obnoxious, annoying," Thrust, moan, "fucking prick I've ever been with. Just a slut who wants attention from anyone who will give it and pay for it." Jack's tone is icy, and it's turning Alex on even more.
"You're the most insecure, lonely, desperate fuck I've ever had, why else did you go on my account and dole out your money?" Alex glares, backing his ass up more, desperate. Slutty moans pouring out of his mouth like a waterfall.

Jack pulls out and shoves Alex over so he's on his back. He spreads Alex's legs open and thrusts into him again, not giving one fuck if it hurts or not. Alex doesn't care either. He wants the pain.
Alex closes his eyes, lifting his legs up in the air, Jack gripping onto his thighs as he takes him over.
"Fuck...Fuck..." Jack groans out, getting closer and closer, "Fucking look at me!" He yells.
Alex opens his eyes to look up at the beautiful man above him, "Fuck you" He responds, hand going down to get himself off.
Jack slaps his hand away, "No. Shut the fuck up!" Alex listens.
Jack puts a hand over Alex's mouth to shut him up before he can say anything else, picking up his pace and surely giving Alex's back carpet burn from the way his body is being jerked against the floor. Alex's muffled moans switch tone, his ass tightens around Jack's cock and Jack knows he's ready to go. He uncovers Alex's mouth and starts getting him off. It's the least he can do. He's mad, but it's so hot watching Alex get all covered in his own cum.
Within seconds, they're cursing at each other, seething and telling each other how awful the other is, in between loud moans as Alex coats his own stomach with cum and Jack fills his little lover up.
He pulls out when he's done, and he's surprised when Alex grabs him and pulls him down hard for a kiss, the blood on his face from his nose getting all over Jack.

"Don't leave." Jack pants out slightly, staring at his sweat and blood covered boyfriend.
"I won't." Alex says back.
"I'm sorry." Jack looks at him, kissing his nose.
"I'm sorry too." 
They're both still angry, both still upset, but they're on the same page now.
Who knew rage sex could do that?
"Talk to me like that outside of sex again though, and I'll knock your ass out." Alex glares.
Jack smirks, "Deal. You talk to me like that outside of sex and I'll throw your ass out the window." 
Alex rolls his eyes and gets up to go shower and clean himself up, praying his nose isn't swollen or bruised. After all, he can't meet Jack's parents like that. 
Jack joins him in the shower and they ignore each other.
Their silence carries out to them getting dressed and ready, both of them looking nice. Jack in a black button down shirt and black jeans, Alex in a red and black flannel and black jeans.

Jack sits on the bed and thinks about everything. Surely none of what just happened could fix anything. If anything, it may have made it worse.
Alex joins him after a moment of leaning on the dresser, watching Jack's expression turn from confused to downright sad. 
"We need to talk." He says quietly.
Jack nods, "I know we do." He sighs, putting his arm around Alex.
Alex smiles a little, leaning into him, head on his shoulder.
"What exactly is it that you're wanting Jack?"
Jack stares at his lap, "I want you to pay more attention to me when we're together." He's quiet, nervous. 
"Okay." Alex's tone is gentle. He's angry, sure, but the rage has been essentially fucked away, the evidence of that is in the form of blood on Jack's carpet in the closet. He comes up with a little idea.
"What if we do this? I'm not ready to stop what I do. I like what I do and you know that. As much as you might not like it, I like what I do and maybe one day down the line, I'll change my mind and want to stop. Right now, I don't. I need the income, and I have fun doing it. I care so much about you Jack, you know that what I do on there means nothing to me, I've said it over and over again. That's up to you to believe me or not, but it's true. So maybe we set up a schedule. When you're working, and I'm not, whether I'm here or at home, that's when I'll do calls. That way there's not even a chance of you hearing them. I'll go home and have Jenna handle any pictures that I can't do myself, so that you don't have to see them, and for an hour or two every day, maybe while you're editing or off on a photo shoot, that's when I'll do all of my texting. I'll keep it out of our relationship." It's maybe not the most ideal thing for either of them, really. It means Alex has to actually set up a schedule for this, which is going to take a lot of time and effort for him to put through to all of his subscribers, and it means that Jack knows that when they aren't together, Alex is doing everything that he hates.
Still, it's something.
Jack nods, "Okay...I can work with that." He'll do his best to, at least.

Hours on and they've just finished dinner with Jack's parents. They got on quite well, actually and it was refreshing for Jack to see. At least he knows that this can work out somehow. His parents approve and that's another step in the right direction for them. 
"So Alex, what is it that you do?" Jack's father, Bassam, asks.
They're back at Jack's house now, they'd just had dessert that his mom Joyce had brought.
Alex leans back against the couch, feet up on Jack's lap.
"I work at Chiapparelli's downtown. I'm a chef there." And I'm basically an online hooker, he thinks to himself.
Joyce chimes in, "Oh that's one of my favorites!" She says as she finally takes a seat. She has a knack for cleaning every square inch of Jack's house when she's there, despite her son's protests.
Alex smiles his charming little smile at her, the brunette had won her over hours ago, "Is it? I like it too, but I get most of my meals from there when I'm on the clock so it does get a little old for me after a while." 
"That's how it is for me at the hospital. When you're on call, you rely on hospital food." Bassam says with a little chuckle. He's a doctor.

They make light conversation for the rest of the evening over some red wine, enjoying themselves, laughing and chatting. Alex laughing at the stories they tells and the jokes Joyce and Bassam make at Jack's expense.
Alex and Jack hug them both goodbye, "It was so nice meeting you. I can't wait to do this again." Alex smiles at his boyfriend's parents.
"It was so nice meeting you too, Alex." Joyce says cheerfully as she hugs Jack.
Alex hears her mutter something along the lines of 'Jack, you better keep him' and he can't help but be rather amused by that, considering their blowout that had gone on only hours before their dinner reservation. 

Jack flops down on the couch, opening his arms for Alex to come cuddle. His parents overwhelm the hell out of him. They expect a lot. They're wonderful people, but with his mom being a teacher and his dad being a doctor, his siblings being pretty successful businesspeople, being a photographer wasn't exactly what they had in mind for Jack. He'd been asked quite a few times why he's not in college like Alex is, and why he doesn't want to pursue anything more than photography. Jack answered that he'd like to try filmography, but that didn't impress them much either. Now Alex, Alex was a golden boy to them. He's a great chef, he's going to college and has good money of his own. Blah blah blah.
Alex smiles at him, essentially laying completely stomach down on top of him. He rests his head on his boyfriend's chest and listens to the comforting sound of his heartbeat.
"They really do like you." Jack finally says after a moment of just holding Alex, rubbing his back and playing with the ends of his hair.
"I like them too." 
"You really think that we can work on this and do better?" Jack asks, his tone sleepy and a bit hesitant as he brings this up again.
Alex lifts his head to look at the younger man. He presses a soft kiss to his lips, "Yes. I think we can. I want to. I'll put the effort in if you will too. I really do want this to work, and I'm sorry for all of the things I said when I was angry." Jack can tell he's being genuine, so he accepts it for what it is.
"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to just...Go off like that. I guess I've just been holding a lot of my opinions and feelings back, and that's just not working. That's never going to work in the long run. I want us to work out, and I want to put the effort in with you...Maybe we can both take tomorrow off? Have an us day." It's a nice suggestion.
Alex nods, a small smile on his lips, "That's a good idea. I'll call in in the morning. I do need to take a couple hours to do some schoolwork though, if that's okay. I'm a little behind." 
Jack nods, "Sure. I can edit while you're doing that...And then an us day."
Alex kisses him, "An us day." He lays his head back down on Jack's chest and that's where they spend the rest of the night, in comfortable silence. 

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