2. How do I make my profile interesting?

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A good profile makes a good first impression. Your pfp* will attract more authors, and a good bio is a finishing touch.

The Why and the How:

1. Attract and repel: Your profile is your first impression. It shows what you like and what you lean towards. Put up whatever you feel comfortable with, you aren't here to impress anyone. You can either make your own profile pic using Pic Crew Avatar Maker or you can use Canva. Your theme preferably should be matching. The color themes should not be blinding and out of place. Keep it subtle, and don't put up offensive images.

2. Username: Your username, you might think, could be whatever right? Technically yes, but try to stick with one that you can use permanently. Don't change it frequently, as it makes it confusing for others. I advise you to use something that suits you or is your name. I won't get bored of my name, would I? Of course, it's up to you, but try to keep it simple in case somebody has to tag** you.

3. Bio: Your bio should be informative. It should tell something about you. Who are you, what's your gender, what genres do you like? By reading a bio, I can decide who to be friends with. Don't keep it plain like, My name is Anastacia. I am ___ years old. I love books. Nope, too boring and ick. If you can't write your own bio, you can request it from bio shops. 

Fun trick:

I can't be the only person who didn't know how to tag someone in a bookAnastaciawolf It turns orange and you can click it to go directly to their profile.

How to do it:

1. Press @ button

2. In 'mention a user' writes the username of the person who have to tag. After writing, don't press the space bar.

3. Press enter and then spacebar.


* Pfp: short for profile pic
** Tag: tagging their username in comments/books

Hope this helped! Love, Anastacia.

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