King Thrash's Song

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Enter Barb.

Barb: Gee, thanks. Elder king. (To the Audience) So how about a little spotlight to the Queen of the Hard Rock Trolls eh? Now it's turn to present, a elder song, from my family. I had a queen, and mother too. She was hot, and cool, but a goner. Bless her soul. But, to get info about my Mom, here is my Dad King Thrash, to sing this tune, for our party. But for that, he has to speak to microphone, cause he's kinda old. And doesn't speak well. So let's give it for my Dad, King Thrash! (The Crowd cheers and King Thrash enter in) Ok dad, speak up, your fans are waiting for you.

King Thrash: (As he mumbles "What, what is that Barbara?")

Barb: (Shouted) I said you have to speak up! Your fans are waiting for you!!!

King Thrash: (As he talk into the microphone) Oh yeah, right. (Cough to clear his throat) I'm King Thrash, the elder King of the Hard Rock Trolls. Eh? Pretty good. Anyway. I want to talk about my wife Queen Tiff of the Hard Rock Trolls. She wasn't eaten by a Bergen, cause we don't know about the Bergens yet, but she was killed by a road accident, and that was a shame that I lost my darling. (Crowds saying "Awww") But now for a new generation, my daughter Barbara become the current leader of the Rock Trolls, before me. But for that, it's about the union of the New Rulers of the Pop Trolls! (Crowds cheers) And so now I'm gonna sing this song for King Branch and Queen Poppy, who they help us of who we really are, and to honor the spirit of Queen Tiff, my girl. And to present the lovely couple, and there moment of Triumph days ago, and to their future for generations to come. So now, let's rock and roll, hit it, Riff!
(As they begin the number)

Stay with Me

King Thrash (And the Hard Rock Trolls):
"Where did you go
when things went wrong, baby?
Who did you run to?
Find a shoulder to lay your head upon.
Baby, wasn't I there?
Didn't I take good care of you?
But, oh, no. I can't believe you're leaving me, yeah.

Stay with me, baby.
I'm beggin' you to stay with me, baby.
Yeah, stay with me, baby.
I can't go on.

Who did you touch
when you needed tenderness, baby?
I gave you so much,
and in return I found happiness.
Baby, what could I do?
Maybe I was too good, too good to you.
Ohh, no, I can't believe you're leavin' me.
Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, stay with me, baby.
Why don't you, why don't you
just stay with me, baby?
Yeah, stay with me, baby.

Remember, you said you always gonna love me.
Remember, you said you'd never ever leave me.
Remember, remember,
I'm asking you,
begging you.
Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, stay with me, baby, baby, baby.
Why don't you stay with me, baby?
Stay with me, baby.
I can't, I can't go, oh, on.

"Well, I'm a young man,
and I could get plenty of women.
But honey, keepin' 'em's the hard part, ain't it?
Yeah. Sometimes, sometimes I find I try so hard."

Maybe this time I should be the one to go away.
'Cause honey, ain't it my turn to have somebody
grab hold of me and say,
"No! Don't go! You can't go!"

Oh! Stay, stay with me, baby.
I'm begging you, stay with me.
Stay with me, baby.
I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, stay with me, baby.
Why don't you stay with me, baby?
Stay with me, baby.
I can't, I can't go on."

As the song was over, the crowd cheers and applause, then the hard rock trolls left the stage. Then enter in, Branch.

Branch: (To his people) Oh right, now everybody, settle down. Cause right now, this is our finale moment. I know this party is almost over, Since we have been listing and dancing with songs in harmony, I think it's time for the biggest tradition of our wedding party, before my wife and I leave. For this tradition, my wife pop-

Then Suddenly Branch and the Rest of the Trolls heat a mysterious voice.

Mysterious Voice:
"First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore"

Barb: What was that?

Branch: I don't know? (To Cloud Guy from the Back) Was it you?!

Cloud Guy: Hey, don't look at me.

Mysterious Voice:
"Then rolls out to sea
And the sea is very still once more"

Poppy: Oh, no. It can't be.

Barb: Can't be, who?

Yep, as you guest it. It was Bomb-Jaw, as she enter on the stage riding a stool wheel.

Edd Tide

"And Then I rush to your side
Like the oncoming tide
With one burning thought
Will your arms open wide
At last face to face,
and as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel
you are love, you are really
really mine!!!"

The crowd gone crazy as they boo and hiss but Bomb-Jaw kept on going.

Hey! Ahoy there, land lovers!
How you like it so far?!

As Barb stop her.

Barb: What do you think you are doing here?!? You conniving little-

Branch: (As he stop it) Whoa, whoa, take it easy Barb, let her explain.

Bomb-Jaw: Yeah, Barb, let her explain.

Branch: Bomb-Jaw, what do you think your doing here? And have you brought the Dark Water Trolls to spoiled our party?

Bomb-Jaw: Why no my dear Branch. I'm just only here to perform on stage, and to honor the union of you and your wife.

Branch: I'm afraid not. Your not gonna turn up this volume, to make us Trolls cover our ears. Now leave!

Bomb-Jaw: Oh, come on, Branch. It's just one song for you and your darling wife.

Branch: NO!!!

Bomb-Jaw: Just one song. I have but one song.

DJ Suki: You know she got a point. She could give us a second chance, if she is on our side.

Branch: (As he answered to Bomb-Jaw) Oh, all right, just one. But no mistake, promise.

Bomb-Jaw: I promise, crossed my heart, and hope to cry.

Branch: Fine (As they both left the stage, leaving Bomb-Jaw to do the number)

Bomb-Jaw: Oh, right here we go! Let's blow this Popsicle stand!

Trolls 3: Poppy and Branch's Wedding Party SongbookWhere stories live. Discover now