Trollartz's Music Score

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Barb: (As she enters in and talk to the crowd) Ok, thanks a lot, King Quincy and Queen Essence! And now next up, on the guest list, is the Classical Trolls. Which I like them now, since I not bad anymore. And to start up, here is our conductor, Trollartz! (So she left the stage, and talk to herself) And this number is going make very sleepy.

Crowd cheers as Trollartz and his clan enter in.

Trollartz: (To the audience) Thank you, thank you. And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, to honor for the Union of King Branch and Queen Poppy, we would to present this music score, the is so beautiful. That will make the rulers of Pop Trolls, dance the night away. So without further a do, I give you, "The Dance of the Hours", by Amilcare Ponchielli. Thank you.

So he and his band start playing the music score.

Dance of the Hours from Ponchielli's Opera,
La Gioconda

Trollartz: Thank you. Thank You. You are all beautiful! (So he and his band left the stage, enter in Queen Poppy.)

Queen Poppy: Ok, that was pretty good. (To her people) And now, here is one my special friends, the snack pack. And first up, is my dearest best friend, the toughest Troll in the Village, but sweetheart herself. Let's give it up for Smidge!

As the crowd cheers and Poppy Left the stage, then Smidge Enters in.

Trolls 3: Poppy and Branch's Wedding Party SongbookWhere stories live. Discover now