Biggie and Mr. Dinkles' Song

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Yummy, Yummy, Yummy

Biggie: (To his pet) Ok, Mr. Dinkles, are you ready for this?

Mr. Dinkles: Meep.

Biggie: Then let's swing it!

Biggie and Mr. Dinkles:
"Yummy, yummy, yummy,
I've got love in my tummy
And I feel like a-lovin you
Love, you're such a sweet thing,
good enough to eat thing
And that's just a-what I'm gonna do

Ooh, love to hold ya
Ooh, love to kiss ya
Ooh, love I love it so

Ooh love, you're sweeter
Sweeter than sugar
Ooh love, I won't let you go

Yummy, yummy, yummy,
I've got love in my tummy
And as silly as it may seem
The lovin' that you're giving
is what keeps me livin'
And your love is like peaches and cream

Kind-a like sugar
Kind-a like spices
Kind-a like, like what you do

Kind-a sounds funny
But, I love honey
And honey, I love you

Yummy, yummy, yummy,
I've got love in my tummy
That your love can satisfy
Love, you're such a sweet thing,
good enough to eat thing
And sweet thing, that ain't no lie

I love to hold ya
I love to kiss ya
Oh love, I love it so

Oh love, you're sweeter
Sweeter than sugar
Oh love, I won't let you go

Sweet thing
Yummy, yummy
Sweet thing

Sweet thing
Yummy, yummy
Sweet thing"

The Crowd cheers and applause, as they both left the stage, then Branch enter.

Branch: Ok, thanks a lot, Biggie! (To his people) And now, next on the show, is our personal friend, the Trolls with long legs and her pretty face, Legsly!

So Branch left the stage, while Legsly enter in to start the song.

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