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Hello!  This is a part 2 of the update before this one.  Happy Reading!  ^_^


Taka's POV

Taka who's on his way to meet the member got stop on his track when he heard a very beautiful angelic voice singing. 

His feet felt like walking on their own until he find himself standing at the back of a crowd.  In front of everyone is a girl; a lady. Her hands playing guitar,  eyes closed singing her heart out, and her some baby hair falling from her messy bun. Nothing of those missed Taka's stare.

He's far from her but felt like he's in front of her.  Like she's the only one his eyes can see.  The way her lips move and the way his hand gorgeously strum her guitar.  She's just a perfection in his eyes.

Her voice is the only thing he can hear,  not even bothering the phone who rings again and again.  He can't take a step back nor a step forward.... He just want to stay where he is. Not too far but not too close.

'I don't believe in love at first sight but ever since I saw her and I knew about her existence,  she automatically became the apple of my eye. '

'Do I like her?....I don't know, I just really want to know her.'

That's what Taka realized to himself. Since that day, he goes to that place to see her perform. Clap for her.  And just be an audience for her.

He don't know her name.... he wants to but he want to know in a proper way... .not like when he will look like a stalker.

He'd like to meet her and knew her not as an spectator but rather as a man.