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Okay, so my friend from school and I started ranting to each other about our favourite characters, and so this was born...
If there are any Grey's Anatomy fans out there, then I hope you like Meredith.
So part of this was written by me, and osrk by my friend, so it's definately gonna be different whoop here we go

TW: mentions of blood, a mildly described surgery

“It's ok, you can go,” Meredith whispered into her husband's ear, holding his cold hand tightly. She stared at the monitor as it went silent, the deadly silence, she remained still, crying over his limp lifeless body. 

Meredith watched as they pulled the white sheet over her husband's head and pulled him away. She had seen that white sheet before, but never had she imagined having to bring it over his head. As he was wheeled away she stood watching, face blank, preparing for the moment she would never be prepared for. She turned, shaking, and walked out of the room, sliding down the wall bringing her trembling hands to her face as she let out a cry. 

As she walked down to the daycare centre she ran her hand along the wooden bannister, stopping as the light caught her ring, looking down at her finger she clutched her hand, holding onto what was left. Meredith saw her kids peacefully playing with the blocks as she entered, she bent down to meet the kids' eyes, Bailey and Zola turned to see their mum's drained face. 

“Where's daddy? Is he coming home?” Zola asked, worried   

“No, remember how daddy was driving?” 


“Well, he was in an accident." Meredith stared at Zola, slowly blinking. 

“Oh, is he hurt?”

She stopped, trying to think “... he was”

“So is he having surgery? Are the doctors going to fix him?”

“... No, they can’t fix him” Meredith choked back tears

“Then you should go in there and fix him! You fix everyone!” Zola exclaimed

 “Zola, I can't fix him.” She swallowed.


Meredith inhaled sharply “I can’t fix him because… because no one can fix him, because he's dead. Daddy died.” Meredith answered, tears falling.

The kids looked at her, minds ticking. They moved in, Meredith wrapping her arms around them, her salty warm tears flowing down her pale cheeks. They pulled away, Meredith backing into the Operating Room.

She walked down the dark hallways sobbing, the silence screaming, footsteps echoing. Brushing her loose fringe stuck to the tears off her face, wiping the quickly falling tears, she took in the last of the good memories. Derek was her person, her heart beat for Derek Shepherd, and now he was gone. She stepped outside into the night, the breeze sending shivers down her spine. Collapsing onto the cold concrete, she let out a scream as endless tears streamed down her face. She howled, clutching her ring to her chest, heaving, letting out sobs into the dark sky. She breathed heavily to bring herself back, vision clouded by the swells of tears, sniffing she dropped her hands from her chest and secured her wedding ring back where it belonged. Pulling herself off the floor she made her way into the dark. Meredith found herself at the park, sinking into the bench she sat weeping. 

Peter walked along the cracked path, the grocery bags swinging from his arms. Night had fallen and he was anxious to be home quickly. With his whole thing as Spider-Man, he knew just how dangerous Queens could be for a 15 year old who looked like one punch would kill him. 

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