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Just for your info, in this one Peter has a scholarship to Midtown cause he and May are struggling.
Peter plopped down in his seat next to Ned.

"Hey man, how are you?"

Peter raised his eyebrows tiredly. "I'm so dead, man. I came back home at 3 last night and then I had to finish the Spanish homewo-" Peter froze. "No. No no nononononono. I forgot the homework! This is bad! This is really bad!"

"Dude, what's the worst that could happen? You get detention, right?"

Ned didn't know that Peter had a scholarship. Peter had skipped so many days already and had several detentions and he was scared that one more might end up with him...

"Hey," Betty whispered to MJ. "Apparently someone here has a scholarship."

Nonononononononono. No one can find out.

Everyone knew that Peter wasn't the richest kid around. They didn't realise that he was so low finacial-wise that he couldn't even afford to go to school without extra help.

The teacher walked into the room, dragging Peter's room behind her. "Hola! I hope you all remembered your homework!"

Peter dropped his head on his arms.

"Dude, you'll be fine."

"Peter? Are you ok?"

Peter lifted his head and nodded, biting the inside of his lip. "I... I stayed up really late doing it last night and so I... I forgot to put it in my bag."

The teacher tsked slightly. "That's going to be a detention, Mr Parker. What happened? You've never been this tardy."

"I know, I know, I just... have a lot... going on."

The teacher sighed and began her lesson, allowing Peter's stomach to dig a deep pit that threatened to eat him whole.

His sigh was full of relief and dread when the bell rang. The teen slowly packed his bag and stood up sowly.

"Peter, please wait behind."

Peter dropped his head in shame.

Why didn't I put it in my bag when I finished?

"Peter, what happened? This is the third time this month."

Peter looked down at her shoes. "I'm sorry, I've just been really busy lately and I promise I did it, I just forgot to put it in my bag because u was so tired and and I slept in and I'm rambling again. I'm sorry."

The teacher nodded slowly. "Ok, but let this detention be your lesson, ok?"

Peter nodded solemnly. "Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now, go and have lunch."

Peter walked out of the door, keeping his eyes on the ground to avoid stares. He was almost at the cafeteria when his doom arrived.

"Mr Parker, can I see you in my office?"

Peter closed his eyes in dread. "Yes sir."

He followed the principal back to the office of peril and sat down on the chair.

"Now, Peter. " Principal Morita straightened the papers on his desk. "I understand that this is your seventh detention?"

"Yes sir." The answer was almost inaudible.

"And you do know how this affects your scholarship?"

Peter swallowed, forcing back the tears. "Yes sir."

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