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(noun) a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen


"ANNA MARY, can you help me out here?" Topper Thornton called out, gesturing to his girlfriend, hands running through his short blond hair. "Sarah, get down from there,"

"Mare, you have to see this!" Sarah exclaimed, tucking her hair behind her ears, breathless. "It's so beautiful,"

The Cameron girl sat on top of a buoy that had washed onto shore, watching the horizon as the sun slipped into the sea.

Sarah was the only person who could get Anna Mary out of her comfort zone. They'd been best friends since they were in diapers, as their mothers were before them.

Anna Mary eyed Sarah's outstretched hand, hesitating before she took it.

"Of course," Their friend Kelce rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and hiding a smile. "Where one goes,"

"The other follows," Topper finished, chuckling. "Neither of you better fall. I'm trying to get drunk, not drive you two to the hospital."

The sky was bleeding hues of pink and orange, blending together into a watercolor painting hanging over their heads.

"Oh my god," The Wilkins girl couldn't help but laugh, bringing a hand to her mouth.

"I know," Sarah giggled, grabbing her best friend's hand and squeezing it. "It's amazing,"

Sarah leaned forward a bit too far, nearly falling and taking Anna Mary with her. The latter screamed while the former laughed, holding on tighter to her friend and the red metal of the buoy.

"Okay girls, fun's over." Topped decided, reaching to help Sarah down as Kelce did the same with Anna Mary.

They had come to the south side of the island, the Cut, for a party.

She found it confusing, seeing as Topper and Kelce both hated Pogues, yet were happy to come to the keggers that weren't thrown for them. Of course, Anna Mary and Sarah were dragged along.

Kelce wrapped an arm around her neck, ruffling her hair. Waves washed over her feet as she tried to escape his grasp.

"Kelce!" Anna Mary called out. "You're the worst," She broke free, kicking water at him. "I just got my hair done!"

The splash hit both boys, Anna Mary's jaw dropping as she saw Topper's face. The game was on.

She grabbed Sarah, hiding behind her, and the water Topper kicked got all over her dress. She squealed, joining in.

Soon enough, they were all soaking wet, laughing as saltwater dripped from their hair and clothes.

Anna Mary went over to the bonfire, sitting on a log next to Sarah. The heat from the flames radiated onto them, drying them off.

A boy with blonde hair walked towards them, but it took her a minute to notice.

"Hey, Mare," Sarah nudged her with her elbow. "I'm gonna go find Topper, okay?" She held out her pinky.

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