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LIGHTS FROM POLICE cars flashed on Mare's face, illuminating her features in a bright blue hue.

She sat rigidly on a folding chair, unmoving. Rain blew in from the storm, misting her skin until she was dripping with it.

Her heart was beating so hard it shook her entire body, each pulse banging against her ribs, beating against their cage. Her labored breaths were short and shallow, her eyes swollen and puffy. Extremities numb, teeth grinding, she was falling apart, crumbling along with the world around her.

Kiara was on her left, her face wan.

JJ was on her right. He was silent, his face void of emotion. Mare could see his composure slipping, his breathing becoming more erratic. He wouldn't look at her. He couldn't look at her.

Pope had his fists clenched, he was angry. Angrier than any of them had even seen him. The sensible, level-headed boy they knew and loved had disappeared along with The Phantom.

There had been no word from John B. and Sarah. The last they'd heard, the couple had gone headfirst into the incoming storm. In the boat they were in, there was no way they'd make it through.

Tears threatened to slip as Deputy Shoupe entered the tent, followed by several other officers. They donned bright yellow rain ponchos, a thunderclap sounded out as Anna Mary met his eyes. She flinched.

The four teenagers shot up, eager to hear any news about how the search had fared. They'd endured nearly an hour of no news, only able to listen as the cops that surrounded them hatched a plan to arrest their friend.

JJ reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. Weight lifted off of her shoulders as they sagged with her deep breath.

The Deputy met the Wilkins girl's eyes once again, and he felt a pang in his heart. They were wide, hopeful. The white that had previously surrounded her irises was now a soft pink, surrounded by smudges of mascara from where she'd rubbed them.

They all looked this way, foolishly allowing themselves to revel in the small sliver of hope they had left.

"Did you find them?" Pope questioned, glancing over to Kiara.

Shoupe shook his head solemnly. "No,"

For a split second, she was relieved. As her eyes darted over to the unforgiving sea, that relief quickly dissipated.

"So they got away?" Kiara was hopeful. She glanced at Mare, reaching for her fingertips. They were grasping for straws, all of them.

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