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fa·mil·iar·i·ty/fəˌmilyˈerədē/(noun) relaxed friendliness or intimacy between people

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(noun) relaxed friendliness or intimacy between people.


SUNLIGHT POURED IN through the gaps in the curtains, golden rays seeping into the room. Anna Mary Wilkins' eyes fluttered open, blinking several times as they adjusted to the brightness.

She brought her knuckles up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes gently. The arm around her waist twitched, and she turned to look at her best friend. Sarah Cameron snored softly in her bed, dreams of puppies and rainbows floating under eyelids covered in gold sparkles. A smile played on her lips while she slept. 

Gently lifting Sarah's arm, Anna Mary slipped into the bathroom and flipped the switch. She yawned, stretching as she analyzed her appearance. She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, the cold tile pricking at her toes. 

She and Sarah had fallen asleep talking. She scolded herself for forgetting to remove her makeup, scrambling to fix her appearance. Dark chocolate hair fell over her shoulder in a loose braid, strands falling out left and right.

She picked up her toothbrush, satisfied by the clean minty feeling on her tongue.

The door opened.

"Good morning, Anna Mary," Rafe Cameron closed the door to his behind him, donning plaid boxers and an unzipped hoodie. He stood at the sink on his side and began brushing his own teeth, comfortable silence filling the room.

She spit, rinsing her mouth out and pressing her palms to the cold marble counter, pushing herself up to sit on it. When he brought a finger to tap the tip of her nose, she swatted his hand away playfully. "Good morning," She couldn't help but smile, beaming as she watched him. He was beautiful, truly.

Rafe gargled mouthwash, bringing a fluffed towel to his face and wiping his mouth. "Did you sleep well?" He kissed her gently with lips soft and warm, heat radiating off of his skin. Spearmint flooded her senses. His touch on her waist sent chills running down her spine. Everything about him did, every day was a miracle that he had chosen her. That he had loved her. It was intoxicating to be wanted by the eldest Cameron. 

Anna Mary hummed, which meant yes, and pulled away. She leaned her forehead against his, their noses brushing together as they spoke softly. Butterflies floated in her stomach as she fought off a grin. His broad palm covered the right side of her face, cradling her chin gently. Clasping a hand over his, she spoke. "Did you?" 

He shook his head fervently, pulling back to get a better view of her. Pink lips pressed into a line. "You should've stayed with me,"

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