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"Finally." I huff a delicious sigh of relief as I plop down on the now-clean bed. I hear a distinct chuckle behind me and extend my head over my shoulder to see Harry laughing at me. "Why're you laughing?"

"You're a very lazy man." He says and I roll my eyes, sit up and pull him down on the bed next to me.

"Would you consider shutting up and just making out with me if you're done pointing out the obvious?" I say with an overtly sweet, fake voice and he laughs again, making me fake anger and hit his arm. "Stop laughing at me or I'm leaving right now."

"You're not going anywhere. A, because we're in the middle of nowhere and you have no will to drive that long and B, you're not going to waste all that effort of cleaning up the entire day and just leave."

I sigh in annoyance because he caught my bluff and sheepishly admit defeat. It's true. Harry and I decided to simply disappear for a few days since its thanksgiving and come out to this gorgeous, millionaire-mandatory cabin in the woods for the entire week. I had a lot of plans and ideas as to how we could spend our time here at the cabin, but I didn't anticipate that since the cabin is completely isolated and we didn't want to let anyone know our whereabouts, we'd have to clean up the year-long-abandoned place on our own.

It'd been 1.00 in the afternoon when we got here, and it was now well past dinner time. The clock was nearing midnight by now and we'd only stopped once for dinner which my mom so graciously packed for us. "I hate it when people know me too well."

"Oh, I'm people now?"

"Mhmm." I agree without a second thought but a traitorous smile still makes its way on my face when Harry turns and looms over me with his arms on either side of my head and his body pressed onto mine – trapping me in the best way possible.

"Do people have the ability to do this to you?" Harry says with a knowing smirk as his lips find their way to my neck, making me groan in both pleasure and disgust.

"Stop it. We're sweaty, you smell, I'm gross and I'm hungry."

"Ugh, mood buster."

"Fine." I said adamantly. "To the showers, then. We're shooting two birds with one stone."

"Now that's what I like to hear." Harry hums in agreement before capturing my lips in his and picking me by my hips as if I weighed nothing at all. I don't mind though, it's sexy and it does all the right things to me, I think with a happy sigh as the primal part of my body takes over my rational thought process.


"Good morning, boo." I hear Harry's whisper in my ear and his soft breath beneath my ear as I slip into consciousness.

"Mhmm." I say with a sigh and hear a soft chuckle from him, making me squint my eyes open to see his pretty face right in front of mine, making me smile. "At the risk of sounding like every protagonist in every rom-com you love, it's really nice waking up next to you."

"I agree." Harry says with a peck on my cheek just as my stomach grumbles, making both of us laugh.

"Someone's starving."

"Do you blame me after last night?"

"Nope." He says, popping the 'p' and I roll my eyes before pulling him out of bed and to the kitchen, only to find two plates brimming with perfectly good, comfort food sitting on the kitchen isle. I stop rubbing my eyes with the hand that's not intertwined in Harry's and turn to him in shock only to find him with a dopey grin on his face.

BILLS, BOOZE & BETRAYAL | LARRY AUWhere stories live. Discover now