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"Hello, darlings." I say with a grin on my face as both my beautiful sisters rush to greet me. I sigh and kiss their foreheads before all three of us head to the taxi stand. I've been planning on coming to London and visiting the twins for quite some time now and with their graduation nearing each day and the company needing me to come down here for a deal with one of the associates, I figured now's the perfect time.

Plus, it doesn't hurt that coming down to London means giving me a much-needed breather from the socialite scene back home but more importantly, the mess I've created for myself between Harry and Zayn. It's not that I'm confused – well, maybe I am just about 50 per cent confused – but I basically cheated on Zayn and I don't know how to break it to him.

It's already happened once – also with Harry – and he forgave me for it pretty quickly, not to mention the fact that he's been exceptionally... expressive since the black-out two weeks ago and so has Harry. Both have been flirting with me and been more touchy while I stand there trying not to think too much about it and focus on not looking awkward or riled up, which ends up with me looking awkward and riled up.

"Lou, stop thinking about your man-candy." Daisy teases me with a bump of her shoulder and I snort.

"What man-candy? I'm not thinking about Zayn." I say and awkwardly turn my face to the window but turn back around when I feel their gaze on me to be met with their shocked faces.

"We were talking about Harry because Lottie told us the other day that you two were being all banter-y and flirty when you went Christmas shopping with her. What does your driver have to do with that?"

My mind works as fast as my beating heart and I struggle to find words to say – my mouth gaping open and closing shut like a damn fish.

"Oh my god, Lou, don't tell me you're sleeping with both of them!! That's so unlike you!" Phoebe says and I wince because it really isn't like me. I don't get into this high-school shit!

"Well, I'm technically not."

"Lou." Both of them say in a warning tone and I huff out the truth.

"I may have a no-strings-attached deal with Zayn which is turning a little string-y lately and I also be into Harry and have admitted to it when we got stuck in the elevator together during the black-out."


"He admitted it first!" I weakly protest and the two burst in laughter. I glare at them, trying with all my might to establish the power of an elder brother but they keep on laughing. "Cut it out!"

"That's so messed up, bro." Daisy says and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks for pointing out the fucking obvious."

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know! I know I want to be with Harry but that's not gonna work out if I'm not honest to him about Zayn and umm, Zayn is not gonna work out if I'm not honest to him about Harry." I wince as I feel a familiar headache coming down on me while the twins snicker some more at my misery.

"So, you're still doing both of them?"

"I'm not 'doing' them, Pheebs, mind your language! I'm your older brother."

"An older brother who is stuck in a mess and needs our help figuring it out." She says confidently and I frown because I don't like that statement, no matter how much truth it may hold.

"I hate honest people."

"Mhmm, sure, bro." Daisy says and they finally calm down.

"Look," Daisy says, turning to me. "You're staying here for like two weeks. Take your time to figure out who you value more and actually want to be with. Staying away from them will also help you get the clarity without their input, which can be very helpful. Plus, you got us."

BILLS, BOOZE & BETRAYAL | LARRY AUWhere stories live. Discover now