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"Alright there, Nialler?" I say with a grin on my face as I sit down next to him in my cubicle.

It's almost been a month since I joined and I'm blending in surprisingly well. As expected, almost everyone here was aware of my 'monetary' status and who my father was, so that didn't go very well. But there are a few who didn't really seem to really care about where I come from, and that naturally made me immediately grow a liking towards them. Niall was one of them, and so was my superior at the finance department - Liam Payne.

I've grown to be good friends with both of them and I've even gone as far as to invite them for clubbing tonight at one of my regular spots to celebrate my one month at the work or whatever.

"Good lord, so kind of the billionaire's son to grace us with his presence today! How're you doing, sir? Would you like me to fetch you something? Perhaps some tea?"

I roll my eyes at the comment and punch his shoulder playfully.

"Shut it, will you? But yeah, I'm great. What about yourself?"

"I'd be great too if I were you, Lewis." I heard his voice and groaned again.

Why can't he just leave me alone? I think to myself and Niall chuckles at my reaction, already pretty aware of my relationship with Harry before he rolls his chair to his cubicle and gets back to work. Great, I'm on my own. I turn around in my chair with a fake smile on my face.

"Harold, what would you be doing so far away from your office? Did your boss finally fire you? And whatever could you mean by that statement?"

"A, no I haven't been fired, and B, well, I'm so glad you asked, Lewis. I was just wondering, I mean, I have a driver too, you know, who drives me to work and everywhere. But the level of dedication your driver has for you is just so different from mine, you know what I mean?"

"I don't think I do, Harold. I mean, you do talk some shit sometimes."

"Oh, I don't. I'm actually just talking about what I saw in the parking lot downstairs," he says and my eyes widen in pure terror. I clear my throat as he looks at his watch and looks back at me with pure amusement in those stupid, oh-so-pretty-and-beautiful green eyes of his. "10 minutes ago?"

"I wouldn't know what you're talking about, Harry."

"Oh, we're back to Harry now? I didn't know you -"

"Mr. Tomlinson, could you come to my office for a minute, please? You too, Mr. Styles." I hear Liam's voice from behind me and emit a sigh of relief.

Saved by the fucking bell, I think to myself and make a mental note to thank Liam.

I stand up, willing my heart not to burst out of my chest and before I can walk away, I see Harry stepping closer so that we are much closer than I'd ever be comfortable with.

"Not a single word, Harold, or I might just get drunk and accidentally tell my good friend at TMZ all about your middle school and high school shenanigans."

Harry's face, as expected, shifts from amusement to fear to anger, before it again morphs into a fake pout.

"Oh, come on, Lou, I thought we were having a moment here."

"Yeah, you wish." I say with a roll of my eyes and push him away from me before walking up to Liam's office, feeling Harry's eyes on my ass as he follows.

BILLS, BOOZE & BETRAYAL | LARRY AUWhere stories live. Discover now