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I sigh in relief as Eleanor leaves the car after a short kiss, my ears distinctly catching the rapid shutters of the camera, making me tighten my grip on the steering wheel. As soon as she disappears into the building, I speed down the road and directly to the office. My mind keeps running faster than the car and one thought after the other filters through, making me wince at the first signs of a headache – it's not even 10 in the morning yet.

I curse my father and the universe at large out loud before putting on a calm façade because I know there will be more paparazzi outside the building as well. I rush past them in a mere seconds and drive down the slope to the underground parking lot. A nervous smile comes on my face when I park the car in the basement and see Harry driving in as well.

I start walking up to him just as he gets out of the car and spots me. We both look around on instinct to make sure there's no one around before I break into a sprint and latch myself to him.

"Hello." He whispers with a kiss on my head and I mumble the greeting back to him. "You alright, darling?"

"No, I hate this world." I moan and complain like a little child whose toy got stolen.

"Eleanor?" He sighs knowingly and I nod into his chest, not pulling away even for a second to do so. He wraps his arms tighter around me instinctively and I feel the tears surfacing. It's been a month since we've finally sorted through all of our shit and I was so excited to be officially dating him and getting to show him off but fate would obviously rather I don't. Well, more like my father.

Knowing that my only chance to get all the magazines off my back was him, he immediately pushed a fake relationship on my shoulder. I've always known about it – it's not even as rare as people would think. Literally every other scandal is buried down with a fake relationship – one that's acceptable in the eyes of the public, one that's 'normal'.

"It's okay, love. There's not a lot of time left here, is there?"

"Why do I have to do it at all?"

"You know why." He coos, ever so patient with me, and I sigh. My mind chastises me for being so selfish and my heart aches for Harry now.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have anything to be sorry about."

"I do. You shouldn't have to go through this bullshit. You deserve to be with someone who can own up to the fact that they love you and can shout the same from the top of the Empire State Building, not some asshole who messes up 24*7 and is at his evil step-father's mercy."

"It's a proper movie plot, isn't it?" Harry says amusingly before pulling away and making me look at him. "But none of that, you hear me? We agreed on no use of the word 'deserve'. I don't care who I deserve, I only want you. Get that into your adorable little head."

"My head's not little."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, boo." He says with a small chuckle and I roll my eyes before the smile on his face tugging one on mine, finally feeling better after having been able to talk to him and hold onto him for a few minutes.

"That'd be your cock." I say as I start to walk towards the elevator and he chokes on air, making me laugh at his expense.

"Naughty boy." He says in fake anger and I walk with extra sway of my hips. I make a funny face and pull my tongue at him in a juvenile manner.

"What, you're going to punish me by spanking me?"

"You little shit." He murmurs as his eyes turn a shade darker before he breaks into a run, making me scream in surprise and run into a sprint as well but to no avail since I have literally nowhere to go. The elevator dings just in time and I pretend to be pushing the close button but hold it open for him.

He steps into the elevator and pins me against one of the walls, his eyes trained on me and then my lips. I purse my lips to hold in my laughter but fail when he cocks an eyebrow challengingly at me.

"You know you really shouldn't be laughing right now."

"I'm sorry, darling, but you don't scare me. You're just an adorable frog, not fatal in any way whatsoever." I say in between chuckles and he finally breaks and laughs with me, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me. I sigh in relief at the contact before pulling away with a smirk.

"What's with you and kissing me in elevators, Hazza?"

"I like kissing you anywhere, Lou. This just happens to be my favourite."

"Naughty boy." I repeat and he rolls his eyes before noticing that we're almost at his floor. He leaves another chaste kiss on my lips and smiles as he kisses my nose and my forehead.

"Have a good day, okay? No frowning." Harry orders, concerned and holds up his right pinkie finger. I smile at it before nodding and intertwining my left with his.

"No frowning." I say and lean up for a last kiss – I can't help it, he's an amazing kisser. "I love you." I whisper and he smiles giddily, making me fond over him even more.

"I love you, too."

I sigh as we stand at different corners of the elevator as to put on a show and he walks out on his floor but with a sly wink in my direction just before the elevator doors shut, making me smile and roll my eyes. I bite my lip from happiness as the elevator climbs further still before coming to a halt on my floor and I get off with a stoic façade, my heart still galloping at the memory of Harry and I, any worries about Eleanor and the rest of the world completely non-existent.




~ Love, T.

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