Is Sam okay?

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Well you see since Sam deena and Kate are the only friends I have and so I'm still hanging out with them so is Kate since I guess she knew that I'd be here so she's more comfortable with me than the others which makes complete sense, moving on deena comes to tell us sam is tied up by deenas telephone cord because she possessed or something so both me and Kate look at each other and say is the curse not done? Deena then goes on to say blah blah blah I didn't hear since half of the time it was Kate arguing how she isn't going to help her after what she said but deena has some fucking manipulative tactics that convinced Kate and me since I'm bored and have nothing to do so you know that phone call deena made at the school? Yeah she got rung back and the lady said the the curse isn't over or some shit so now we are on our way to her house to end this shit once in for all
We arrived bitchess, "Simon...not the time man"-Kate says as you can see her a bit sad since she thought this curse ended and that there was probably going to be no more deaths but that fun of relief ended. As me and Kate were talking about what we could do to not die and not end up as bait deena already made into the house with c.berman, as that happened I saw Sam just tied up on the bathroom floor trying to get out it was kind of funny but she basically became one of the damn killers so then c.berman was talking to us about the camp night wing massacre that happened and how she survived blah blah blah I didn't hear since was told to keep guard on sam, next thing you know deena and Kate go storming out of the house and tell me to hurry up and come so now I'm just so confused also I didn't mention josh being here too he's just been standing there not saying a word okay but we all get in the car and drive off
What are we doing at the mall? I ask, Kate then goes on to tell me Sarah feirs other hand is under this tree so being me I ask what are we going to do with?!? Josh finally speaks up and says this could be the way of ending the curse
We have the hand and head back to the woods to put it with the rest of Sarah, Kate of course has flashbacks to when y/n shut deena up real fast here the first time we went to see why sam saw what she saw. "Did it work?" Kate asked josh as he looked around? Deena then tells us to run since the sheriff is here?!?!? What? I'm a tad bit confused on why on earth is he here but Deena goes on to tell us how he's evil and how Sarah feir isn't an actual witch and that she died because she knew too much and also because people created a rumor about her being a witch already?! I know it's so confusing we go back to c.berman which her nickname is ziggy and I'll stick with that so we get there to see the most unexpected and unbelievable thing I've ever encountered in my life
Cliffhangerrrrr anyways this book is almost donezo and I'll probably make another one about Simon or something. The next chapter is the last and final chapter of this book! Also the Simon book I was just talking about will mention y/n
Words read:626

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