Back at deena's house

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Sam goes on to say bullets didn't stop her and then Kate goes on to say "amazing observation"
While that was happening Deena and Simon were talking about why she was trying to kill him but he added a little detail that sparked Josh's mind. Simon goes on to say how the girl had a razor blade as her Choice of weapon obviously like I said Josh's eyes just opened wide and asked "what razor blade did she use?" Simon replied by saying "for like old Timey shaving or in this case slitting her-" he gets cut off by josh saying "wrists she slashed her wrist" and then talked about some "oldie" song and if she was singing it I got a bit bored that time but was definitely still listening...
Josh pulls papers from his wall and there she is the lady that tried killing Simon and how she slashed the hell out of people with the razor blade and how she killed herself obviously I didn't believe this since we all saw the bitch alive and well I guess until Kate asked why she didn't see this on the news and josh say that IT HAPPENED 30 YEARS AGO?!?
——————————————————————- josh then goes on to show us more and more people who were kind and innocent to turning into fucking murderers but this camp nightwing guy was talked about more so of course Kate's commentary was sooo needed and said how her aunt was there and that it screwed her family up for a long time like we are trying to survive right now Kate, this wasn't needed anyways josh says something that messes up with Sam? And she then goes to throw up since I saw her grabbing her stomach trying to hold it in, of course Deena being the girlfriend she is, she follows sam and it ends up just being me,Kate,josh,and then josh goes on to talk about the witch called Sarah feir or something like that I was mostly thinking about me and Kate kissing and I can tell she was too since we both we looking at each other of course I then pull a move since I mean we might die anyways so there's nothing to be ashamed of, I only just grab her hand and smile and guess what she smiles back!! I can't tell where this relationship is going but I think we are love?
Sam and Deena walk back in so me and Kate pull our hands back trying not to get noticed but I'm pretty sure Simon's catching up since he looked at me weirdly anyways back to where we were sam then says how she saw Sarah when the crash shit happened of course I wasn't there because my dumb ass was on a website looking to see if any new movies were released so I could see with my friends. And I never got to look since Simon was spamming the shit out of my pager and told me all about it
Please correct my spelling mistakes I am not a good writer I mostly just read books that I find cool
Words read: 535

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