The Fun Begins

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Simon pulls out a box with clothes from lost and found since we need to dispose of our clothes because it might have Sam's blood on it. As we all go in the bathrooms Kate and I have to be in the same restroom, I'm outside of the stalls while Kate is inside of the stalls still changing until I hear her say she needs help getting cleaned soooo being me I go in barely looking at her so I don't seem disrespectful but I don't think she really cared since me and her started you know...that.. yeahhhh it was great I'm still very focused on living but at the same time we might die so live your life to the fullest right? As me and Kate get out of the bath room I see Simon and josh already outside and they're eyes were just wide open I can tell josh was a bit sad since I'm prettyyy sure he liked Kate, kinda felt bad for him BUT WHO CARES I JUST KISSED KATE FUCKING SCHMIDT
THE PERSON THAT I HATED BUT FELL IN LOVE FOR. Couple minutes later deena and Sam show up and Simon then decided to say "did you all go to pound town?" Like what then what made it weirder is that he said "me too" so I'm pretty sure he just was touching himself since josh pretty much looked disgusted soooo sam cute her hand to drop blood so that we can use it for our trap then we each have mops and bring the mops all together leading towards the door of the restroom which sam will be in but only to crawl out of it bada bing bada boom they die anyways me,kate,sam,and Deena are done with that waiting for Simon to come then I just see him zooming over here saying how ruby lane is already here then skull mask to the right of Deena then the nightwing killer in the middle of the blood trail I hold on to kates hand for dear life and she holds on tighter as they all go in we see the vent pop open and Sam comes out of it and yells "go go go go go"
And Kate ties the door Deena puts gas around the door so that that gas could light up the whole room with fire, we all grab a fire extinguisher and blow off the room so we can see if we killed them or not but life just decides to get worse and worse as we see that they can't fucking die?!?! Are you kidding me? Kate grabs my hand and I grab Josh's since he was about to get his head ripped off with a hand that wasn't even fully developed yet. We entered the nearest classroom we could find and hid in there knowing damn well we might die right now but Kate says Sam's screwed since we are all washed off from her blood I mean I never had it on me but I'm not taking chances moving on Kate and Deena are arguing since Sam's fucked and she can't do anything about than just sacrificing herself to stop this stupid shit that happened but since Deena has this relationship towards just as me and Kate do, she won't let her die I mean I love sam and all even though I met her literally not that long ago but she has to go no offense I just don't want to die tonight and if we do one life is better than five life's taken, here's the part we're I don't pay attention because I'm trying to figure out a way to get the hell out of here without a scratch if this plan ends up going to shit too. Boom boom boom I just see Sam hugging Deena saying how she's okay with dying and goes to me and I just hug her since I mean there's nothing I can say, I hardly know her at all, Kate opens the door to let Sam out as she also holds tears in and deena try's stopping her from leaving but Simon pulls her back I go and see an exit we could use to leave and after that I just go and look at the papers with josh since I find all of this like a puzzle, deena then looks at both me and josh saying we're going to let her die so while I'm paying attention to what deena is telling me to do which I can't do josh screams out that one person survived anyways as that happens me and Kate pull sam back in luckily a couple seconds before she got sliced by a damn axe.
the next part will come out tomorrow stay tuned!
Words read:809

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