Its getting worse

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(You are now Simon)
I'm so sorry Kate that I brought y/n with us just to see her die at the end I didn't mean to it happened so fast I couldn't think-"it's fine Simon you are okay, it's not your fault it's mine for insisting y/n on coming with us before we went to see Sam at the hospital."-Kate says seeming very out of it and unhappy since I'm assuming y/n was her lover. "I'm sorry Kate"-says Deena as she walks into the room, "you're sorry? I need more than just a sorry you left us to die as some shitty fish bait not knowing you also risked mine,Simon's, and including your brother josh for some shitty relationship that will probably last two days before sam gets pissed off and leaves you for someone else"-Kate says very angry and annoyed. "You agreed to this so did y/n, you knew there would be consequences for this you could've walked away from this situation but of course you didn't and stayed with us."-Deena says. Deena? Deenster? Do you have food? "Really Simon, right now?" Yes right now I've been hungry since yesterday were we all risked our life's for some monsters to end up killing y/n. "Oh so you agree with Kate? Really I thought you knew better." Deena I'm not in the mood for this right now also you quite literally sacrificed your brother to protect your girlfriend so please show me snacks? Thank you. "We don't have any,you ate them all remember?"-deena says, you should definitely come to the grocery store I work at there are fantastic deals thereee I'm sure you'd love it, "no"-kate says. No? What do you mean no? "This isn't the time to be talking about groceries you guys are just forgetting y/n as if they never existed" I'm not forgetting kate I'd rather not speak up on it since I'm the one who's been friends with y/n for a while and was the last person to make her laugh. "I'm leaving"-kate says, "be a pussy kate just like y/n was when she threw a cereal box at ruby"-Deena says. Deena? What the hell I helped you do all of this including y/n who wasn't such a pussy when they stopped both ruby and skull mask from getting near you and Sam. "It's not like I actually meant it Simon" it did to me.
Hey You! reader you might wanna continue reading after you see the next two chapters ;)
Words read:437

Kate x y/n (fearstreet1994)Where stories live. Discover now