Chapter 19: Deception & Disgrace

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Jay's POV

Do you know that feeling you get in your heart? It's like there's a huge bulge of pain in it suffocating you. It won't move, it just gets bigger and bigger. I hate that feeling, but it seems like it's never going to go away. How can someone you fought so hard for and loved so much hurt you so bad? What did I ever do to deserve this besides taking Amber from my best friend? Nathan was bound to lose her anyway.

Nath and I were just starting to warm up to each other and now look at what he's done. We talked about the situation and everything, but he just couldn't keep his hands off her. I should have never fell for her and tried hooking up with her. I should've never even been her friend or helped them get back together. I guess whoring around runs through her family's genes.

The next morning I explained everything to Nareesha and Siva. They were surprised and highly disappointed in Amber. They tried to comfort me as much as possible, but nothing worked. We had to go to work today, but my stuff were back at what is now and will forever be Amber's flat. I didn't want to see her or deal with her.

I was dropped of to her flat and rang the doorbell. She opened the door. She looked absolutely dreadful. Her hair was a mess, she had red puffy eyes, and she smelled like liquor. "I came to get my stuff" I said firmly. She moved aside so I could enter. I grabbed all my stuff and walked out. I didn't say a word nor did I look at her. I went back to Siva's and got ready. Him and I headed to the studio unclear of what was to be expected between Nath and I.

As per usual, Max and Tom were goofing around and Nathan was working on tracks. I told Siva not to tell the boys about what happened. I wanted to handle everything on my own. I was sent to go work on the tracks with Nath while the boys were to sing some lyrics to a new song we'd been working on.

"Hey Jay" Nath said with a smile. I didn't respond I just sat down and looked at what he was doing on the laptop. "How's everything been?" he asked. I chuckled and looked at him.

"Why don't you ask Amber."

"Oh yeah, you're mad about the kiss aren't you? I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to-"

I cut him off. "That's why you went ahead and made out with her again at the funeral's reception."

He took a gulp of his saliva and remained silent. "I heard Amber's dress was down too" I added. He looked the other way and clenched his jaw causing them to pop out on the sides of his cheeks. "So yeah, what were you saying about that kiss in the rain?"

"Jay mate, I'm sorry."

"Don't call me mate. We're not mates and will never be. Now start answering my questions."

He turned to face me. "I had gotten Amber upset that rainy day and so I ran out to go apologize, but instead I ended up kissing her. You have no idea how much I missed her. I couldn't help myself. I was crying so hard. Then at the reception, I though I'd bring it up. She was denying that she gained back her feelings for me, so I took her upstairs and we made out. She stopped me before I took it to far and said she couldn't do it. Next thing you know she's fighting with Meridith and then leaves. She was so upset that I needed to cheer her up; I needed to make her feel better." He stopped and sighed.

"What did you do Nath?" I asked with my voice stern.

"She was sitting in her car and I just came up with an idea of how to relieve her of all her stress and anger. We drove to a hotel and...I think you can figure out the rest."

"So that's why she came home late."

I got up from my chair and started punching Nath. "FUCK YOU, YOU DIRTY BASTARD!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. Nath then jumped off his chair and pushed me to the floor. He began punching me back. I rolled him over and returned the favor.

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