Chapter 6: Hoe Hoe Hoe!

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Amber's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. I'd slept on one side of my comfy couch and Meridith slept on the other. I couldn't help but smile. We'd always end up like this when we were in bad situations. Of course I was the one who provided the drinks, the ice cream, the movies, the couch, and the shoulder to cry on. Never have I ever minded it though, because we were just that close.

I took my phone out from my pocket and pressed the home button. It was 3p.m. and I was supposed to be at work by 12p.m. . My mother was going to kill me. I work at a pet health center owned by my mother. I'm her assistant. I'll be graduating from college soon so I'll be a veterinarian. I love having to help animals and giving them the love and care they deserve.

I quickly rushed to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, showered, and then put on my work clothes. Before I took off I awoke Meridith. She was never really attractive in the mornings, because she'd have huge bags and crusty eyes. She got up with a confused look on her face and then looked at her watch. "I guess I should get going" she inquired. "Yeah. I guess we can meet up later or something" I responded. She nodded her head and we took off.

As I predicted my mother was extremely pissed. Eventually, she got over it and was just glad I was back home. I spent two miserable boring hours barely working. It was a slow day, so we only had a few clients.

As I was getting into my car my phone began to ring. I sat down and took it out of my hand bag while closing the door. It was Jay, the -not- highlight of my day. I debated with myself whether or not to pick up, and of course I did.


"Hey. Sorry to bother, but would it be possible for you to meet up with me at Starbucks or something?"

I sighed. "Jay, I really don't feel comfortable being around you or talking to you, especially since you have bad intentions. Nath's already been acting weird, so I don't think meeting up with you would be a good idea."

"My intentions aren't bad.... not really. I just think we should talk this through."

"Oh my god Jay. I'm with Nathan not you, and I'll never be with you."

I heard Jay giggle a bit. "Alright then, so I'll just see you at the charity gala and we'll talk then."

"WHAT? My mother invited you to the pet rescue charity gala?"

"Yup. We're going to preform there."

"I officially hate you."

"No, you hate the fact that you love me."

"Ugh! Goodbye Jay." and with that I hung up.

Who does Jay think he is? I can't believe my mom would do this to me. But no worries, I have a cousin who's a hoe and can keep Jay preoccupied. So everything will be ok.

I texted Meridith and invited her to the charity gala. I also asked her to seduce Jay.


Why would you want me to do that. Isn't he like ur bff now? I'm sure you wouldn't want a "hoe" seducing him like that.


Ok, ik it's an odd request but it's for a good reason. If you do this you'll be doing me a huge favor. I can't tell you why, but if you trust me you'll do it without a problem.


Um, we haven't talked or anything for 6 months n now u want to me to do something that broke our bond. I'm sorry but this sounds like sabotage so I can't trust you. Just when I thought things between you and I would go back to normal, but I was wrong; I'm always wrong. Have a good life.


Meridith I honestly mean no harm. Plz just do this.


I'm trying to get rid of my rep not keep it. bye. I'll c u at my mom's funeral n that will be the end of all of this.

Just like that, my plan was ruined. I have to admit, it was pretty rude and stupid of me to request such a thing. I didn't mean to be so inconsiderate. Just when we resolved everything, I had to be the one to screw it all up.

Nathan's POV

The lads and I were practicing at the location where the pet charity gala was to be held. Amber's mum is hosting it this year. I told her not to tell Amber because I have a surprise in store. The last song we're going to sing is Made. The lads were questioning why we were going to sing that old song but I made sure no one told them why.

During the last part of the song I'll get down on one knee, find her in the crowd, and propose to her. I don't care about her and Jay or whatever they did , or that I'm "too young", I just care about me and her. I'm sure after we're engaged she'll tell me everything. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would.

I know what I want and it's for her and I to spend eternity with each other. We'll have a couple of kids and live in a nice comfy house. We'd probably have a girl and a boy. If I could have those things then my life would be complete.

As I stood there on stage in my thoughts I heard Seev shout my name. I shook my head to escape my thoughts and realized it was my turn to sing in Glad You Came. "Are you alright?" Max asked me. "Yeah I'm fine. Can we just take a little break?" I asked. Jayne our manager replied with a yes.

Jay's POV

I sat myself on the edge of the stage and took a sip from my water bottle. Max came and sat beside me. "What's up with Nath. He's been acting strange." said Max.

"How would I know?"

"Because he hasn't said a word to you. Did you do something to him while we were in Ibiza."

I was going to reply but then I thought about his question for a second. Was it possible that Nathan new what went down between me and Amber. That would've been impossible though. Maybe, just maybe Tom told him, but why would he do that.

"Um, I can't recall. Maybe he's upset about how close I am to Amber" I replied.

"But he's never had a problem with that before."

"Maybe it's just puberty doing that to him." I said while giggling. Max joined me in the laugh and shook his head.

"Maybe that's just it. Poor baby Nath." said Max.

So what do you think will happen at the charity gala? Do you think Meridith will come and do the favor, or maybe preoccupy herself with something else:3 Will Nathan get the chance to propose? Will anything go down between Jay and Tom? Most importantly, what does Jay have in mind? So what what do you think guys? Will this all just be a huge catastrophe? Comment below about what you think will happen and maybe, just maybe you'll be the one deciding all of their fates for that one magical (?) night. :D teehee.

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