The Beacon

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After some more time spent aimlessly searching for a working phone, Sammy gasped in delight.

"Did you find something?" I asked hopefully.

Sammy shook her head and showed us a small book. "An insider's guide to Jurassic World! It's got all kinds of details about the park," she said, walking towards us. She glanced at the facts on the page. "Did you know there are hidden dinos carved into the buildings?"

I smiled, shaking my head as Darius let out a disappointed groan. Sammy continued, "Or that aircraft aren't allowed to fly over the island?"

"No... I didn't."

Yasmina sent Sammy a look, and Sammy hid the book behind her back. "Sorry, that last one's a bummer," Sammy said, glancing at me.

"It's okay."

"Hey!" Brooklynn exclaimed suddenly, rummaging through another box further down.

"Is it a phone?" Darius asked hopefully.

"It's a camera," Brooklynn replied, holding an old camera and standing up excitedly. "And it works! Now, I can document all the crazy stuff we've seen. Our rescue will be a Brooklynn Exclusive!" Then, she posed in front of the camera, "That'll get my follower count back up to where it belongs!" She beamed at her find while Yaz scoffed.

"And that will help us how exactly?" she questioned.

Brooklyn glanced at her with a hesitant smile. "Uh... because when we get home, this will also make you famous?" she said, turning the camera to us. I smiled at the camera, but Yasmina just rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" Kenji then yelled.

"Please tell me you found a phone," Darius pleaded in an aggravated voice.

"No, but I could be in the video!" Kenji replied, putting on a pair of sunglasses and smirking at the camera. Sammy gasped again, her eyes glimmering.


"Nope. It's better than that. It's an EDB, an emergency distress beacon! After the first park went down, Mr Masrani installed one on Main Street."

"That's perfect, Sammy," I said, all of us walking over to see the book in more detail. I stood beside Darius, but it was a bit of a task peering over his hair as it had grown so much longer.

"It's battery-powered and can send an SOS signal 150 miles in all directions! We're saved!" Sammy smiled.

Yasmina tapped the book. "Does it say where it is?" she asked, Sammy immediately flicking through the pages.

"Uh... no. The rest of the chapter is just some glamour shots of Dr Wu wearing turtlenecks," she said, closing the book.

"Spread out. There's a way to communicate with the outside world on Main Street. So we find this thing, and we go home!" Darius exclaimed.

"Affirmative, human," Kenji said, his voice robotic.

"Hey Kenji, can you record me? If you do, you can be in the video," Brooklynn said. Kenji nodded and took the camera from her, turning it to face her.

"Want any help?" I asked.

"Sure, you can do a countdown for me," Brooklynn replied.

I held up my fingers and counted, "Three, two, one, and action!"

Brooklynn walked back, beaming at the camera while doing the peace sign. "What's up, Brooklanders?" she said, her American accent strengthening. "You wanted exclusive footage? Well, here it is! And there is nobody better than me to show it to you."

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