6. Just between you and me.

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It comes as a shock when I head to Salt Lake Slices and see Lily outside, looking in with a slight bit of annoyance, anger, and sadness. Perfect to use for the plan to get her as North's Belle. All of the cast is inside already, but I had to drop off my birthday gift at home before heading there. What? I don't need a lot of people who can actually sing to sing Happy Birthday to me.

"Hey, Lily." I put one hand on her shoulder and she's more than a little startled.

"You're the girl from before the auditions, right?" That I am.

"Yeah." Nodding my head, she continues.

"You shouldn't have run. Honestly, you were definitely a real contender for Belle." And so were you.

"Well, I don't want to be on stage. I'm far better behind the scenes. But, I heard a rumor," I start, hoping to catch her interest.

"About what?" Wouldn't you like to know?

"I heard North High is looking to replace their main character and with your voice, I'm sure you would be amazing. As long as you're willing to transfer." She thinks about it for more than a moment as I get ready to text Zach that it fell through when the one thing I wasn't expecting to hear comes out of her mouth.

"How do I transfer?" A sly grin comes onto her face as I hand her one of Zach's business cards, and she nods.

"Call the number and he can help with all of that." Just as I start to walk away, I remember something. "Just don't tell anyone about this, okay? Just between you and me."

"Absolutely. Not a word." She replies, typing the number into her phone. "This conversation never happened." Precisely. Walking into Salt Lake Slices, I text Zach a thumbs up with a rose, and even though there's no response, I know he's happy I found him a new Belle.

"Juliette! You're here!" EJ says, grabbing another chair so I can join one of the three tables that's currently being occupied by theatre nerds.

"Yeah. Did anyone save me some pizza?" I wonder, and EJ sneaks a slice from underneath the tray holder, shocking Big Red.

"Where did that come from?" Clearly he was not told that EJ was saving a slice for me.

"It's for me. EJ saved it." I say, taking a huge slice. Man, this is as good as Little Italy pizza. I seriously need to come here more often. "This is so good, though. It tastes just like the pizza from Little Italy."

"Little Italy? Isn't Italy a country?" Wow, EJ. Seriously? None of you guys have ever Googled New York City?

"It's a part of New York City, famous for their authentic Italian cuisine. You've been there?" Big Red asks. At least one person knows what Little Italy is.

"A bunch of times. I lived in Connecticut, so I was super close to New York and went to see a lot of musicals on Broadway with my mom." The good old days, when life was easy and I didn't have to worry a lot.

"I've got dessert, but first, pictures." Big Red groans at his mother, but I'll gladly get a picture taken if it means I get one of those cupcakes. "You know the rule." He just rolls his eyes while we all crowd in for a picture. "Say cheese!" And now, we get our cupcakes. A bunch of them have the little figurines of the characters, and there's one extra with a rose on it. "I heard you didn't get a part, but you do a lot for them." Mrs. Redonovich winks, walking back to the register.

After an hour of chatting, eating cupcakes, and playing with our figurines, I have to head home to do homework and boring things. And check some things on my computer, but nothing super important. Just emails and such. But as I make my way to my car, Nini video calls me.

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