Chapter 21

388 11 25

warning ; period blood, cramps , and all u are free to skip this chapter 


• 4 months left •

it's been a month since we told armin about mika's case , i try my best everyday to make her happy to make her forget the fact that she is going to die .anyways today is weekends and mika decided that we should go to a park and sing for the kids so i woke up early and changed , i wore a grey sweatpants , a green hoodie and a white nikes , grabbed my piercings and i grabbed my guitar , my phone and wallet and went downstairs , i decided to make breakfast for my mom, zeke left to live in a apartment so it's just me and my mom , after i did it i made for my self a cup of coffee , after i drank it i decided to call mika and see if she is ready , she didn't answer , i decided to call again but she didn't answer , i panicked so i decided to call levi and see what's going on he answered 

-hey brat

- hey levi where is mikasa

-[sigh] sorry eren she is not feeling go-

i hung up and took my car's key and i left the house in hurry , i started the car and i went to their house , i knocked on the door and levi opened it for me

-where is mikasa 

-chill , she is in her room 


-hold up can u stay with her in my house until i come back


i went to her room and i knocked on her door  , she said come in and i went in, she was wearing a black sweatpants with a black hoodie and a white socks , she was laying in her bed in a weird position , she looked at me and she was in pain she was holding her lower abdomen , i sat next to her and said

-hey babe


-are u alright 

-i'm dying with this fucking period cramp . she said ,so that's why she is in this weird position, i blushed a bit and then i looked at her and she said 



-can u get me some tea 

-sure , i'll go ahead and make u some . i said , i went downstairs and i started making some in the kitchen , after 10 min the tea was ready ,i went to her room and i gave it to her , she drank it and then she hold her lower abdomen again , the period cramp are really a pain , i laid on the bed with her and i hugged her , she put her head on my chest and i started massaging her lower abdomen , she seemed relaxed  a bit but she was still in pain , i played with her hair and after 10 min she fell asleep , and then i slept with her....


I woke up after that nap and it was now 12 am ,today was my 2nd day of having my periods so i decided to go to the bathroom, i felt great , i saw eren sleeping peacefully , i got up and i felt the blood coming out , ugh i hate that feeling , i went to the bathroom and did all the necessary things and i went out i saw eren sitting on the edge of my bed and then he got up and he hugged me

-hey babe felling better . he asked me , he is such a sweet man 

-yeah i'm fine now thanks . i said with a smile 

-alright do u wanna go downstairs . he asked


we went downstairs and i decided to make lunch for us , i decided to make some rice balls with some chicken , and then eren said 

-well do u want to watch a tv show or something 

-yeah just sit there i'll make us lunch 

-wait wait wait , ur not gonna make lunch 

-why not 

-cuz i said so , and i'm going to make lunch 

-please let me make lunch . i said

-no . he answered 

-please . i said with a puppy eyes 

-f-fine  , just cuz u are cute . he said 

-and ur cuter . i said then i gave him a kiss in his cheek 

i went to the kitchen and i started cooking , i grabbed the rice , the chicken from the fridge and i started cooking [ i'm lazy to write how she cooked the rice well it took me 30 min to make this so..] as i was cooking i felt a bit dizzy but i shook that feeling away , i don't want to faint now , anyways as i was cooking i felt hands on my waist , and a breathing in my neck , i turned around and i saw eren and i gave him a kiss on his lips and i broke it quickly in case the chicken will burn 

-hey i was enjoying that . he said

-maybe next time okay . i said 

-ugh fine , need some help . he said

- well not really , u can make the table . i said 

- with pleasure . he said and he gave me a kiss on my cheek , i really love him and i don't want to leave him , i have only 4 months left and i don't want to die , i felt some tears steaming down my face but i quickly wiped my tears , i didn't want him to see me crying , i continued making the chicken , when he was done he came and he said 

-so when the lunch will be ready .

- about 10 more minutes 

-but i'm hungry 

- u need to wait baby . i said while chuckling , he looks like a baby

-well i can have something to eat while waiting 

-and what's that thing . i said , he came closer and he whispered in my ear 

-you , i can eat u . he said with a smirk , i blushed then i looked looked at his emerald green eyes , then i turned to my chicken just to tease him 

-and i'm not getting a kiss 

-nope not until i'm done . i said , well the chicken was cooked  but i just wanted to tease him , but he did the unexpected he turned the fire off and he lifted me and he gently laid me on the couch , he was now on top of me , he came closer and he whispered in my ear 

-now i can eat u .he said . i chuckled then he added 

-ur chuckling huh we will see about that 

he kissed in my lips and he grabbed me by my waist , i put my hand on his neck , after some time he licked my lower lip then i opened my mouth and his tongue was now in my mouth [seriously who doesn't want to see eremika doing this ] after a long make out session he broke the kiss then he looked at me 

- i love u mika 

- i love u too , wanna have lunch 

-of course since u made it 


we went to the kitchen and we had our lunch , he kept saying that my cooking is amazing and i thanked him , after lunch he insisted that he will wash the dishes , then we watched some movies and after that he had a phone call . i wonder who is it....

idk what to say about this i have my periods so ......... stay safe and peace , i'll promise to make another chapter byeeee

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