Chapter 18

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We let historia and sasha get to see mika , i went outside the hospital with levi and we sat in the parking lot , he looked around and then he decided to talk 

- look brat , i know that mikasa told u about the tattoo and everything , but i need to ask u what did she told u about what happened to her 3 years ago . he said 

-[sigh] she told me that she got kidnapped and she was about to get r-raped but she got safe . i said , i was afraid that something is going on with her , what if it's a bad thing

- so she didn't tell u the full story huh . he said

- what story . i asked 

- 3 years ago , when she was kidnapped , they took her to a cabin in a forest , she was tortured for a day straight [sigh] ,those motherfuckers got a help from a doctor and he injected her with a serum that made her sick , miki thought that they kidnapped her because they wanted to make more ackermans but in reality this group are a organization that are made to kill the rare clans like us , after being tortured and injected with that serum they wanted to rape her and then either kill her or send her to us and she will die in a week , but with the help of hange and others we saved her , but she is still sick , this thing happen to her once in a 6 months  , back in the cabin , when we came to save her she had to kill 2 mans , with that her ackermans sense kicked in , since that day miki wasn't her self plus the death of our parents she was trapped in her mind , she was blaming herself for everything , and the reason that i told u to not let any doctor see her tattoo because  we suspect that the doctor that injected her is here, but don't tell her alright . u know , i should thank u brat , because of u miki is happy again , u changed her , so thanks. and with that he finished , i felt bad for them , especially mika , i will never leave her alone 

-no problem levi , and i will protect her no mater what 

- thanks , let's go back to the hospital . he said , we went to the hospital again , and we entered her room , she was talking with armin and annie , she was laughing , in that moment her radiant smile made me forget everything , she is a goddess and a rare gem , i swear i will protect her no mater what , levi asked pixis if it's possible for 4 people to be with her in the room , he agreed in one condition which is not stress her or bother her , i sat next to her and grabbed her hand i kissed it which made her blush , i saw levi looking at me with a look that saids -wtf are u doing to my little sister u little shit -  but i didn't care , i looked at her and grabbed her face with both of my hand , and then i heard annie talking 

- u see armin that's how u should be , a romantic guy . she said while looking at him 

- if u faint and we had to bring u to the hospital , i will do more than this . he said while laughing

- alright let's leave them . he aded . also levi i have something to tell u , it's about ur past and genes .he said and grabbed levi with him . i was now alone with my love , i looked at her and stoke her cheeks with my hand , i looked to her beautiful grey eyes and said 

- how are u feeling babe. i said 

- i'm fine , just i'm a bit tired . she answered . btw what did u and levi talked about . she asked me 

-oh nothing important , just somethings about ur past . i told her . i  sat with her in her bed and she put her head on my chest , and i played with her hair ,and then she asked me 

- hey eren 

- yes 

-do u find me weird with my past and all , i will understand if u wanted to leave me because of this , well i -. i cut her off by placing my lips on hers , i took her into a passionate kiss, she kissed me back, after 1 minute , i broke the kiss and then i looked to her eyes and said

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