Untitled Part 27

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I left the house at around 3 pm and it was already nearing 11 pm when I cam back. For some reason. I thought that would be a good enough time.

"Where the fuck is he?" Clearly I was wrong.

"I don't know-" A slap.

How the hell did I managed to get into this mess. I literally left the house for eight fucking hours to not get involved and somehow, that's exactly what happened.

I shut my eyes, calming myself in my head because losing my temper won't do me any good right now. I sucked in a deep breath and turned to glare at the man towering over me. I want to fucking scream for a number of good reasons.

First: who the fuck are these three motherfuckers and what the fuck are they doing in my goddamn house.

Second: where the ever loving shit is Lucas.

"Where is he?" I opened my mouth before shutting it again, deeming in unworthy to fight this fight because for one I don't really know where the hell he is and two, fighting three guys while being handcuffed seems plausible but I don't want it.

This is exhibit A as to why I always carry a knife around.

My eyes lands on the small pocket knife on the bedside table.

I hate myself.

Another slap snaps me out of my trance.

"You slap me one more fucking-" Another slap. Compared to the Boss, this guy slaps like a weak bitch but we've been at it for at least 30 minutes already so my skin's becoming more and more sensitive

This asshole's getting bolder and bolder and I don't even know if he has any idea who he's messing with.

"We've been going at this for an hour already just tell us where he is" I sucked in a breath, mentally counting to three before glaring at him.

"No, actually we've been going for about 30 minutes buddy get your shit right" The next slap hurt. It actually sent my head to the side and my vision momentarily crosses.

"I'll fucking kill you" He points a knife on my neck.

He's pointing a knife... at me.

When I say that I'm about to murder someone tonight, I'm starting to really mean it.

"We found traces of his belongings here" He kneels down on one knee and leans close.

"So tell me one reason why I should believe you're not lying" Easy enough. I open my mouth to say something that might or might not get me killed but jokes on him and the universe because I am not about to get killed by some random dude. But before I could get any words out. a sharp sound cuts through the night.

I flinched back and us four stand in silence before one of them slumps to the ground, clutching his neck. The other two jumps up in panic but before any of them could even move another shot fires hitting the other.

"What the fuck!" The last one screams, snagging his own gun from the holster. He looks around frantic. My eyes lands on the other two, watching one of them chokes on his own blood while the other lies still. Probably dead.

Despite having seen stuffs like these a million times than one normal human being does, I still find myself grimacing at the sight. Not necessarily because I'm about to be sick but more so of a basic human instinct. Which is more comforting than not because it means a part of me still remains that.


I glanced around, squinting my eyes at the dark to try and see who's shooting but it's looking impossible to make something out because these assholes didn't bothered turning on even one light in the house.

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