Untitled Part 20

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Roughly ten minutes later, the house grows silent.

I slowly made my way downstair and into the kitchen, a plastic bag on one hand and the other on my head.

"Thank you for this" I said upon seeing Mio perched up on one of the kitchen stools, munching some cereal.

"I've been doing this for years, don't mention it" He replies around a mouthful.

I placed the bag on the countertop, hesitantly eyeing the stools and debating whether I should trust myself to hoist my ass up on it without throwing up.

"Don't bother, you'll just throw up" Lucas suddenly appears behind me, hand coming onto my lower back to gently push me away from the nearest stool. He then proceeds to kick it away with much more force than needed before taking up the free space to lay his head down on the countertop.

My brain short circuits for a second as I stared at him. I don't think he even realized what he did or maybe I'm over contemplating the fact that he just gently touched my back to push me aside... gently.

There's two gently in that sentence. It feels wrong.

Actually,  all of this feels wrong. The nature of our relationship just isn't one that relates to gentleness and calm and peace.

It's mostly chaos and a lot of violence.

Someone audibly clears their throat. I turn to look at Mio, frowning because what's up with that look on his face.

"Shut the fuck up" Lucas then mutters from where he's lying face down.

"I didn't even say anything-"

"I can hear it in your face" Despite my thoughts, I find myself snorting.

"That sentence doesn't make any sense" I bite back a smile, hiding it behind a hand just as my phone goes off.

I unlocked my phone. I eyed the two men who were both busy in their own world to even notice so I just made my way to the kitchen. The line on the other side was quiet and I opened my mouth to say hello when an unfamiliar voice speaks.

"Tomorrow, 11 pm, west dock"

"This is unbelievable" I mumble to myself as I watch the scenery pass by in a blur. It's quiet save for the radio playing some opera music that's steadily getting on my nerves. I stared at the radio before turning it off, huffing against my seat as I turned to look at Leo who still hasn't said anything.


"What do you want me to say?" 

"I don't know! Show the same aggression like me?" Aka be petty like me.

"You know that that won't fix shit" I crossed my arms against my chest, huffing again.

I'm acting like a brat, undeniably so but it's valid because I wasn't supposed to get an assignment until next month.

"This is unfair" 

"When is it ever fair anyways" Leo mutters mostly to himself but I find myself humming in agreement.

The street's relatively empty given the day and time and I find myself getting more irritated because Wednesdays are reserved for elaborated skincare days. 

Not this.

Leo stops the car once we've arrived at the designated meeting place. 

I eyed the empty dock.

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