Untitled Part 25

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"Come on, let's go home"

Now that's something I never thought would bring so much relief and comfort to me.

It's weird, uncanny, and very unusual but I still nod my head. Too wrapped up in my thoughts to think about anything rational.

Lucas grips my hand and goes to stand up first before helping me up. I stumble a bit from the sudden movement but Lucas steadies me as if already expecting it. Immediately, as if he's doing it unconsciously, his hand trails down to my lower back to gently guide me to the exit. And despite the weirdness of this all, it's actually going well.

That is until-

"There you are!" 

Jesus wants me dead.

I stumble back as Nala appears quite literally out of nowhere, my mother trailing close by. That woman has yet to utter a word to me and it's making me anxious.

"We've been looking everywhere for you two" She sighs, a bit exasperated and her earrings clink together when she moves to tilt her head, hands on her hips.

"We need to go, we're going to be late to the fitting" She grabs my arm and pulls me forward. The movement too sudden and I bite down a groan at the shock of pain . 


"Hurry up Nica, you'll be fitting three gowns today and-" My brain cuts her off. Actually, I think I might be too lightheaded right now to comprehend anything she's saying. I stumble on my steps, spots of black sporting my vision and before a huge wave of panic washes over me, a firm hand comes and grabs the hand Nica's holding.

"Reschedule that fitting to next month" Lucas says, sharp and firm and I don't even need to look at him to know that he's pissed. So I just kept my head down.

"What? Why?!" Nica demands and I nervously glance around to see if there's anyone in here. The last thing I want is to make a scene. 

I can feel Lucas' grip on my hand tighten and he's quiet for a moment. Normally, I would've backed him up with some random excuse on top of my head. But the only thing in my head right now is faint, sleep, dying, blood.

And neither of those are helpful.

"Do you even know how hard it was to reserve this time slot? Let alone that place?" 

"The designer is very well known and it takes weeks, sometimes months to book an appointment and you want me to reschedule it on a whim?" I flinched at the way Nala's voice rises, slightly stepping closer to Lucas. Who even knew this lady could lose her composure. She always looked so composed like Lucas.

An unsettling feeling rests on my gut and the feeling of guilt gets the better of me. I glanced up at Lucas, mouth parting to tell him it's fine and that I'll just wrap the remaining bandages around me.


"I'll take care of the rescheduling. Give me the name of the place and designer and I'll do it myself" My mouth closes because it's that tone.

That fucking tone he uses whenever he's sweat down serious. Lucas rarely loses his composure even in the toughest missions we've had that has clashed together. I rarely hear that tone even if I'm shooting and meddling with his targets.

I glanced back at Nala who's unsurprisingly oblivious to the fact that she's basically pissing off one of the most well known assassins out there.

"Call that place and cancel the fitting, that's all you have to do" Lucas pulls me towards the exit and I just let him do that. Too caught up with everything that's happening.

"I've already paid the entire thing-" 

"Then message me their details and I'll pay twice the amount for the trouble" Lucas doesn't look back, doesn't even bother waiting for his mother's response. 

He walks in quick, long strides. Hands now wrapped around me as he guides us through the entryway, nodding to some of the staffs.

Upon arriving at his car, he steadies me with a hand on my waist before opening the door.

"Sorry for making you walk but valet will take longer and she'll probably catch up on us"

"I-It's fine" I managed to mutter, getting inside as he holds the door open.

Once the door closes, I find myself relaxing considerably because finally I don't need to worry about those two.

Lucas climbs in a moment later and it's quiet between us. 

"I'm sorry, you fought with your mom because of me" I mutter, glancing at him and he frowns.

"Not your fault and besides, you have no idea how normal these conversations are between us" I snort.

"Stop lying, you used 'the tone' at her" I said, air quoting 'the tone' and his frown deepens.

"What tone"

"That tone you use when you're dead serious, when you're literally about to go berserk and kill everyone in the room" He thinks for a second before rolling his eyes. He then starts the car.

"I don't do that"

"Yeah you do" I pressed, turning to fully face him.

"You used that a couple of times in your missions" I rack my brain for an example.

"Ah! Remember when you used 'the tone' on that big guy you caught kidnapping kids and he literally shit his pants before you shot him?" 

"No" But his mouth quirks up at that. 

"You do! See? You fucking have that scary serious tone you use whenever you're mad, mad" I rolled my eyes at him because what's the point of denying it. It's not like it's embarrassing. It's actually hot.

I straightened my back, flinching when I moved too quickly. I glanced down on my stomach and gently lifted up my shirt to see if I've bled through the bandages again.

"Have I ever used that tone at you?" It was my turn to frown. Hand mid-raising my shirt, I glanced back at Lucas who has his eyes on the road. I hummed, pondering.

"No? I don't think so" He hums.





"Nothing" I eyed him warily before focusing back on my wound.

"You're fucking weird.


Updating in two consecutive days?? Goddamn I am on a ROLL. 

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