Meeting Baby

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"Okay, let's start with your nightly chores," Angsty Teen started. "You should check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage, but whatever..."

You were starting to get annoyed at this guy's moodiness. Couldn't he just cheer up for a minute? Or at least pretend like he enjoyed his job?

Shaking your head, you looked at the left window and pressed the light. You expected to not see Ballora, but this time, it was different. She wasn't on her stage, but you could see a shadow of her. It was very close to the window.

I see her shadow, but...where is she?

"Huh. I guess Ballora has better things to do. Let's zap her! That should be fun."

Your eyes widened. What was wrong with this guy? Shocking the animatronics was not fun at all. You couldn't begin to understand how he enjoyed it so much.

You pressed the red button. Like usual, Ballora was shocked.

Hopefully, she'll be back on her stage now.

All of a sudden, a weird sound came from the keypad. You couldn't make out what it was saying, but you found it rather frightening. You could do nothing but wait for the sound to go away.

"Let's check on Funtime Foxy, make sure he's ready for showtime tomorrow," Angsty Teen blurted out.

You sighed in relief as you heard his voice. But what could've happened? Who made that weird sound? Could it be Angsty Teen? Maybe he was a robot after all.

Trying to shake away your thoughts, you pressed the light. Like in Ballora Gallery, you saw no one on stage. But you did, however, see Funtime Foxy's shadow.

"GReAt gREaT gReAt."

A shiver ran down your spine. You knew it was probably just a glitch, but it still terrified you, thinking about who that voice was. You slowly hugged yourself.

"There seems to have been a problem with the voice synthesizer," Handunit acknowledged. "Default settings have been restored. Please proceed through the vent ahead of you to Circus Baby's Auditorium."

You smiled at Handunit's voice. Even though you found him annoying at times, it brought you great relief now that he was here. You were also happy you didn't have to shock Funtime Foxy.

Making your way through the vent, you could've sworn you heard noises from behind you. You ignored it though, thinking it was your ears playing with you.

"Motion trigger, Circus Gallery vent."

"Circus Baby had a busy day today," Handunit explained. "Let's check the light and make sure she's in proper working order."

They must've fixed the lights by now.

Pressing the light, you thought you were going to see the stage, but instead, you were greeted by darkness. Of course, they didn't fix the lights yet. Why would they? They never bothered to fix anything.

"Oh Circus Baby. We aren't here to play Hide and Seek. Let's encourage Baby to come out of hiding with a controlled shock."

Well of course I still have to shock Baby...what will it be this time? Four shocks?

Gritting your teeth in annoyance, you pressed the button to shock Baby. After a few minutes, Handunit spoke again.

"Let's try another controlled shock."

You pressed the button once again. You had no idea how many times he would make you shock her, but at this point, you wouldn't be surprised.

"There seems to be a power malfunction that is affecting our ability to properly motivate Baby. Please stand by while I reboot the system. I will be offline momentarily during this process. Various other systems may be offline as well, such as security doors, vent locks, and oxygen. Commencing system restart."

Suddenly, all the lights in the room went off. You were standing in complete darkness. You didn't know what to do now.

"Motion trigger, Entryway vent. Funtime Auditorium Maintenance vent opened. Ballora Gallery Maintenance vent opened."

Everything was unlocked. Everything separating you from the robots was opened. Normally, you should be scared, but instead, you were happy. Maybe you would finally get a chance to talk to them.

"I don't recognize you, you are new," a voice spoke. "I remember this...scenario, however. It's a strange thing to want to do, to come here. I'm curious what events would lead a person to want to spend their a place like this, willingly. Maybe curiosity...maybe ignorance."

Well, I definitely came here for a job.

"There is a space under the desk. Someone before you crafted it into a hiding place and it worked for him. I recommend that you hurry though. You will be safe there. Just try not to make eye contact. It will be over soon. They will lose interest."

Eye contact?! With who?!

You were scared now. What did they mean? You had so many questions. And who was that voice? Was it Baby? It did sound very feminine. It must be her.

Having no other choice, you headed under the desk and shut the door leading out. You waited. You weren't sure what you were waiting for, but you waited.

Looking through the holes in the door, you noticed blue eyes. Staring directly at you. You remembered Baby's words. 'Try not to make eye contact'. You weren't sure whether you could trust her, but you looked away.

You then noticed the door being forcefully pulled open. Grabbing onto it, you pulled with all your might to keep it shut. You weren't going to let them in. Never.

After a few minutes, you finally got it shut and whatever was outside stopped pulling at it. You were relieved. But you knew they could try to get in again. You kept on guard. Hoping, that eventually, they would go away.

You heard their voices, and after a few long minutes, they were gone.

"When your guide comes back online, he is going to tell you that he was unsuccessful," the voice, who you assumed to be Baby, explained. "That you must restart the system manually. He will then tell you to crawl through Ballora Gallery as fast as you can to reach the Breaker Room. If you follow his instructions, you will die."


You were shocked. You thought Handunit wanted to keep you alive, not get you killed. Was he the bad guy all along? Were you too oblivious to see behind his soothing voice? And what was the Breaker Room? You then remembered the commercial. There were a bear and a bunny. You never saw them yet. They must be in the Breaker Room.

"Ballora will not return to her stage anymore. She will catch you. The power will be restored shortly. When you crawl through Ballora Gallery, go slowly. She cannot see you and can only listen for your movement. When you hear her music become louder, she is growing near. Listening for you. Wait...and be still."

Before you could process what Baby had said, Handunit interrupted.

"Thank you for your patience. It seems that the power system cannot be restarted automatically. You will need to restart the power system manually. Please return to the Primary Control Module."

Getting out from under the desk, you looked back at the window.

"Baby...if you can hear me..." you started. "What do you want?"

After a few moments of silence, you sighed. She wouldn't reply to you. You made your way over to the vent.

"I wanna be friends."

You looked back. She wanted to be friends with you? Why didn't she say that before? She did seem to care a lot about your safety. Maybe you could trust her.

Smiling, you made your way through the vents.

Trust No One...Except Him - Funtime Foxy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now