Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

I woke up finding that I was still in the hotel room. I had to leave and keep going. I was dangerous and I have no right to be around people, said my mother so I had to leave I'm trying to find a place of my own. My father died and he was the only person who understands what I'm going through. He die about a 10 years ago. My brother's was in the army but now his in the navy. I never see him. I wish I could speed more time with him. But I can't. So you're probably wondering what my name is and how old I am. Well I'm Rebecca bloom. I'm 21 years old and I left my home and home town when I was 12. I left my mother and my dog, named Bruno. So now I'm on a walk to find a place of my own.

So I'm here in Washington, D.C. Because I fell a sleep on the bus and missed my stop. So I'm now just walking around the city and find an apartment building. I could get a job and stay here or some where else. I mean 5 grand isn't going to help me for long. So here I go. I found out that there is an apartment for sale and it's really cheep. I can rent it. So I did and I they let me up. It's not that big and it's perfect for just on person. The furniture is already in there and that means I just have to get food. So that's what I did.

I came back and I almost dropped the bag of food. If it wasn't for the man who helped me. He was talk, had blonde hair, and must really work out.

"Oh thank so much." I said as he cot it.

"No problem." He said with a smile.

"So do you live here with your parents?" He asked.

"No, I just moved in. My mom made me leave." I said and just realized with I had just say. I wanted to take it back.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well I'm 18 and she think I should leave so she can be happy for once in her life." I said.

"So your mom hates you?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ya but I left." I said.

"Where did you come from?" He asked.

"San Diego." I said.

"San Diego? You came all this way?" He asked.

"Ya it leave to May memories." I said.

"Well still is me." I said.

"It was nice meeting you." He said.

"It was nice meeting you too." I said and walked in my home. I unpacked the food and then I made diner. I ate then went to bed I start my first job in the morning.


I get home from my first job and that man I saw yesterday was there. He looked at me and then smiled.

"So how was the job?" He asked and I looked at him with a puzzled look.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I saw you walk out of the building in a uniform." He said with a laugh.

"Oh well it didn't go so well I got fired." I said and stated to walk up the stairs with him.

"What happened?" He asked with a puzzled look.

"Some thing happened." I said.

"What kind of thing?" He asked.

"Just some thing" I said.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"Nothing, never mind... Forget I said any." I said and walked into my apartment. The next day I was sitting in the lobby reading minds.

"I wonder if he likes me." A girl thought.

"She's so cute I should go talk to her." A guy said looking at the girl.

"I have so much stuff to do today. I need a break." A woman said. I laugh. I love to hear what people are talking about. It's fun. So as I'm reading they're mind the man comes and sits next to me. He smiled.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Studying people." I said.

"How." He asked.

"Never mind so how are you?" I asked.

"Good how about you?" He asked.

"I'm good a little bored but still good." I said and he smiled.

"What's on your arm?" He asked pointed to my tattoo. It said *stay strong* a tattoo I got to keep me going.

"My tattoo?" I said.

"What's it for?" He asked.

"It's to keep me strong." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"My dad took me to get it when I was 10. It was to keep me strong when he left for the army. He die when I was 11. Then my brother left for the army to help my mom pay for the house and the food." I said.

"Im so sorry." He said.

"Don't worried about it. Once he left my mom through me out. I should have seen it coming. So when she kicked me out I grabbed as much money as I could fit in my backpack then I left. I never looked back. I never saw my brother or my dog ever again. I wish one day I will see my brother again and not being dead." I said with a smile.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Don't worry about it." I said and got up And left. I walked to my room.


I woke up to a knock on my door. It was around 1 o'clock in the morning and when I opened it. I was surprised to find a woman a little older then me, with red hair and a black suite.

"Hello who are you?" I asked.

"I'm agent Romanova, I work for shield. I need you to come with me." She said and I gave her a puzzled look.

"Why did I do some thing wrong?" I asked.

"No time I'll explain every thing on the way there." She said.

"Can I at lest get changed." I asked.

"Caltain we're going to need you now." She said and my neighbor came through the door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's ok every things going to be fine." He said.

"What? What's happening?" I asked getting scared. Then she took a gun out and hit me with it. It had a fuzzy red end on it. Then I blacked out.

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