Chapter Four: Family Reunion

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Dawn materialised, Crystal Cover in hand, in the same street in which her and Ace had walked, before all this madness truly descended.

The Goddess looked around warily and ducked into the same alley her and Ace had appeared in during their visit. She put her head up against the wall and wiped the tears from her eyes.

This was no time for crying.

From here, Dawn had two choices.

Either, she could try and find Ace and Pandora right away, or, maybe she could find some others along the way, and build up a resistance.

So, she decided to go with the second option, thinking first of her cousin Brenda, then deciding that she would try her oldest friends: Caspian and Cascadia, the children of Poseidon.

It was at this point that Dawn thought of a name for their cause and she realised that she needed something to store the Crystal Cover in. The last thing she needed was any Immortals spotting her with it. So, as the Goddess traversed through those two thoughts, she noticed a stall, with notebooks lining the table and some backpacks hanging from the table. She went over to the stand, really regretting the fact that she didn't have interchangeable money with her as she did.

At the stand sat a dark haired woman with a kind, somewhat tired smile and a colourful outfit. Something in the woman's eyes glittered mysteriously, and Dawn felt a cool familiarity washing over her at the sight.

"Hello there," said Dawn politely, studying the figure further in an interested manner.

"Thank you. Where have you come from dressed like that? You look like you've been in the wars," said the vendor with a cheery laugh.

Looking down at herself, Dawn saw that her clothes were slightly frayed and that there was still a bruise from where she'd been hit when the Sphinx attacked her.

Dawn made to reply before the artist looked around her almost warily, taking no time in scribbling something down onto the first page of a notebook, then handing it and the pen to Dawn right afterwards. Then, with one look at the Crystal Cover concealed roughly in Dawn's hand, the artist handed the Goddess a bag, no questions asked.

"Thank you," said Dawn, pausing in her confusion to give the artist an inquisitive smile, her kind nature staying strong as she slipped the Crystal Cover into her backpack and placed it on her back, opening the notebook to its first page. As she looked and saw what was written there, The Goddess of Light got quite the shock,

"Meet me at the second lowest cave on the middle of the Norse Mountains", read the message, signed not with a name... but with an Ace of Spades.

Shock building, Dawn looked back into the artist's eyes.

It couldn't be... could it?

The Goddess of Light leaned in towards the artist, conspiratorially cautious of any Immortals who may have been watching as she spoke,

"If you don't mind me asking... what's your name?"

The artist's eyes flashed up to a roof behind Dawn, both she and the Goddess momentarily distracted by a raven sat atop there, before the woman turned back, speaking in a low voice,

"Of course. It's Aimee Catherine Elizabeth."

The artist spoke casually but the glittering of her familiar eyes held a meaningful stare as Dawn realised what those initials spelt out, deepening her suspicion.

Then, Dawn looked over at the Raven once again, remembering something with a jolt in her chest as she did.

Odin uses Ravens to spy for him- so they were being watched.

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