Chapter One: On The Run

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Most people when they are on the run would go somewhere discreet, somewhere unknown...

Most people really would not go to get a bite to eat in Edinburgh.

Then again, The Goddess Of Chaos wasn't most people.

Ace had no idea what to do or where to go next- but out of the few cities she had visited- she'd had a strange love for the bustle of Edinburgh.

Also, more importantly, the Goddess knew it the most.

So, however impulsive it may have been, Ace had made up her mind to head there.

Upon her arrival, the Goddess looked in the mirror, taking one glance at the golden blood crusted beneath her nose with a sigh. Taking a deep breath in, Ace's exhale brought with it a whole new appearance.

In a mirage of deception, The Goddess of Chaos morphed into a tall woman with red curly hair set in a short bob, hosting a pale face. Upon the bland visage sat possibly the most ordinary, forgettable appearance Ace could've mustered.

Safe in her new appearance, Ace put her hand in her right pocket and drew out something that had been resting there for some time.

Now, in front of the Goddess of Chaos sat a dark metal locket with red and gold highlights twisting across its sides. As to the reason this locket stayed in her pocket and not round her neck, well Ace wasn't one for accessories.

In fact- The Goddess of Chaos possessed this locket for a much different reason than its looks.

And as for where she got the locket from, well, is that really important now?

When Ace left the alley, she slipped into a small café, spreading a handful of coins on the table, buying a bag of chips and a glass of lemonade. Definetly, by most standards a rather unusual move for someone on the run.

In a further odd choice, the Goddess took a seat at a table, opening the locket in her hand as she did.

Once she opened the small trinket, Ace's eyes stared down at the bottom screen.

This small section showed the presence of any Immortals in the area, in the form of small coloured dots. But despite her fear, the Goddess saw only her own yellow dot, positioned right where she was sitting.

Confused and wary, Ace shut the locket, left the café and wandered out onto the streets of Edinburgh, trying to clear her head.

What had Hades and Hel done?

She had to get back to Dawn and Pandora, she was sure of that, but even if she did- what would they do?

They had to make a stand, but Ace wasn't in the mood to become a martyr any day soon.

"Of course this would happen, what did we expect? Those scheming idiots don't take much persuasion it seems, one little threat and they'll all run home crying- typical of them to leave this to the underdogs," Ace thought as she walked, knowing the danger this opportunity presented.

"Then again.." Ace's mind mumbled to herself, "I've done dangerous things before, I'm hardly known for my good behaviour, but the others.."

The Goddess of Chaos put her hands over her head, groaning angrily, as she pulled at the red locks where her hat should have been.

Then, a shrill buzzing noise from the Goddess' locket caught her off guard, causing her to duck into another alleyway. The second she was out of sight, Ace whipped her hand into her pocket.

The Goddess pulled out the locket and opened it in double quick time, but it was still not quite quick enough.

Just as The Goddess of Chaos saw the new glowing dots that had appeared right next to her, a long shadow fell over Ace, obscuring the small frame of her disguise.

Steadily, Ace turned around to see the familiar red hair and blue eyes of a God she really could've done without meeting again. The huge Deity was flanked by a woman who was also clad in armour, her dark black hair falling down her tanned face, her eyes dark and determined.

Thor and Minerva.

Great. Just what she needed.

For once, Thor spoke unusually quietly, leaning down to Ace's level as he did,

"Come quietly Astrid, we don't want to make a scene." 

Behind the annoyance, Ace knew that she was cornered, illusions were out of the picture. Thor and Minerva were far from easy to fool in their current mood.

However, just because she knew that didn't mean she had to give up, after all, she had a reputation to uphold.

If The Goddess of Chaos was going out, she was going out with a bang.

The three Immortals looked at each other for a few tense seconds as Ace pondered her next words.

"Oh come on Thor, 'come quietly'? You know me. You must know that me coming quietly would be about as likely to happen as Hel and Hades becoming pacifists. And let's be honest- even if I had done something, which you Minerva, being the Goddess of Wisdom should know I didn't, I think we all know there isn't a single chance of me 'coming quietly'!" Ace exclaimed, raising the volume of her voice as many confused glances were thrown at these three odd figures huddled in the alley.

Throwing off the odd looks just as she had discarded her now useless disguise, The Goddess of Chaos looked up into Thor's dark eyes- her own eyes flashing a bright yellow through her words.

A second later, and bright bolts of lightning lit up the sky, curling back down to meet their target...

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