Chapter Three: The Dawn Of War

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Ace ducked away from the lightning, barely feeling the singe of scratches on her face before she slipped around, pulling her cane up in defense.

A large 'clang' rang out around the street as Minerva's sword came down upon Ace's cane, shaking the cane and the Goddess holding it, who stumbled backwards into full view of the street.

People were screaming and running from the raging fight as sirens blared in the distance.

The sky above them turned dark as night and thunder boomed as forks of lightning broke through the dark clouds, heading back down to Ace in a second wave, as the Goddess pulled up a glimmering force-field around herself. Protected she may have been, but the force of the lightning still blew Ace back a considerable distance and as she dropped the forcefield, letting her guard down for a second, Thor hit the Goddess with an unexpected bolt of lightning to the chest.

The force of the strike blew Ace back into the wall of a nearby shop, the Goddess groaning angrily as she got back up, struggling a little on her way. Ace's clothes were, strangely, barely singed by the lighting but as she got up, rubbing her back and straightening her feathered hat she was faced with a worrying sight.

Many other Gods were beginning to arrive as the Police cars drew up outside the street and Police came running towards them. There was Poseidon, Venus and many others. Ace swore under her breath as they encircled her. They'd put teleport dampeners round the street, great. Then, to make matters worse, Venus shot a stone at Ace's head from her crossbow, leaving the Goddess with about 4 seconds to act.

In that time Ace turned into the first animal she could think of- which just so happened to a slippery black and yellow python that slithered away as the Gods and Goddesses mistakenly surrounded a grey pigeon in the middle of the street. All of this, while the police continued to draw nearer.

When the police finally arrived and began approaching the Immortals as the latter realised their mistake, the Gods dispersed, some leaving, while the others began trying to find Ace.

However, a second later, a black and yellow python- who was just considering changing into a pigeon - was rudely interrupted by a foot crashing down on their small body.

In the pain, Ace transformed back to her typical form and for a smidge of revenge twirled round and punched Hel right in the side of her gleeful, deadened face before falling to the ground as Hel kicked her hard in the chest.

The Goddess of Death certainly wasn't gleeful now, rather looking repulsively at Ace like she was a bit of dirt on her shoe. After a second of dark stares, Hel flicked her hand at a figure behind Ace who fastened Jotunn Iron chains round the Goddess' wrist at this command, Ace grimaced and gave her sister a death stare which Hel so kindly returned- the watching Officers thinking the Immortals must be mad as they disappeared. Behind them, was left only confusion, and some remnants of the Gods' fights and malice.


The Goddess of Darkness felt her whole body twisting as her stomach jolted, the portal shoving her out, in a place familiar, not to her, but to Ace.

In an odd turn of events, Pandora falling through the back of Ace's portal had shoved her out, not quite at Ace's destination, but instead at a common stop for The Goddess of Chaos on other occasions.

For Pandora had emerged near the bottom of one of the Norse Mountains, in a forest of greenery. The trails of leaves crawled above her head as the Goddess sat in a blaze of anger. Pandora knew two things: that the next time she saw her parents- she was going to make them pay for years of neglect, she had to, and that before she did, she needed her real family. The ones who would have her back and not be waiting to stab it with a sharp knife.

The Runaway Rebels- Book 2: The War Of The GodlandsWhere stories live. Discover now