Chapter 8 - Keyboard Warriors

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I felt toasty warm as I woke up. I cuddled my hard pillow closer and felt it move slightly as if breathing. I flick open one eye startled but relax when I see that it was just Niall I was lying on top of. I open both my eyes. I'm lying on top of Niall. Why am I lying on top of Niall. My head was resting against the crook of his neck and my arms and legs intertwined with his so much that I don't know where he ended and where I started. I close my eyes and try I fall back asleep but the bright sunshine isn't letting me. Stupid beach. Always the brightest in the morning. I force my head deeper into Niall's neck causing him to squirm slightly. I press my hand down on his chest to stop him moving.  

'What are ya doin'?' Niall's tired voice whispers huskily.  

'Trying to sleep.' I whisper back in a barely coherent mumble.  

'Oh.' He says and I'm pretty sure he had zonked out again. I breath in the fresh salty air quietly sighing as the cool morning breeze brushes over my face. I lay there for a few moments and watch the water. Lapping the beach softly making small ripples in the fine sand. The water looked so blue and clear that I wondered what it would be like in the morning. I slowly untangle myself from Niall resulting in his slight moans and groans. I push the blankets off of me and replace them into Niall. I hadn't bothered to take off my bathers last night and had just slipped on a t-shirt over the top of it which I now took off and left at the bottom of the piles of oddly shaped blankets that were the other sleeping boys.  

'Arielle!' A husky low voice calls me. I turn around and see Harry's curly poking up from the other side of where I was sleeping. So I was sleeping between Harry and Niall. I guessed that Louis was the last mound in Harry's side and the other two mounds on niall's side were Liam and Zayn. Yep, there was Zayn's quiff poking out of the end of the long bed.  

'Yeah?' I whisper shout.  

'What are you doing?' He asks and he wipes the sleep from his eyes with his long fingers.  

'I'm going for a swim.' I shrug and turn back to the water.  

'Now? It's too cold!' I turn back to him so I can roll my eyes at him dramatically.  

'Pussy.' I smirk and go back to walking up to the cool blue water. I dip my toes in and quickly bring them back as I feel how icy it is.  

'Told ya.' Harry startles me and I lol up at him. He stood next to me shirtless except for his jeans that hung low showing his Topman underwear. His hair was unruly and slightly in his eyes that were half closed in a sleepy manner. I shove his naked shoulder and proceed to go in further. I get up to my stomach before I start shivering. I can do this. I hold my fists my my side closed tightly and inch myself forward then I pull my hands up. I then push myself up and out and dive into the cold water. My mouth opens in surprise at the freezing water and immediately regret my move. I quickly push myself out of the water but it doesn't help much since the water is up to my chest.  

'Shit, that was cold!' I chatter and cross my arms over my chest and rub my shoulders. I could feel goosebumps covering my entire body.  

'You're an idiot. I never thought I'd say that to you. But you're an idiot.' Harry says grinning at while shaking his head. I glare at him but my teeth chatter so it doesn't look very convincing.  

My entire body is shivering and I ask myself what I'm still doing in here. I push my legs to walk up to shore. I run once my feet hit dry sand and scoop up the first dry towel I can score. I rush to pull it around my shoulders and dry my entire body. I spot my bag and speed walk over to it and zip it open. I bring out the warmest clothes I had which weren't very warm. I pull on my long flannelette light pink pyjamas and my purple superman shirt. I made sure that my towel was secured around me the entire time. I lay out the towel and look at the still sleeping boys. Would they notice if I quietly slipped in with them? I decided they wouldn't and tip toe back over to them.  

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