Chapter 12 : Senju Tsunade

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The next morning, loud banging could be heard from across the room.

Sasuke slowly got up, sleepily thinking someone must have come to visit the blonde.

The raven nuzzled his neck, voicing out, "Wake up, dobe.. Someone's loudly knocking on your door~"

Naruto whined, wanting to sleep more, "Who~~~?"

"No idea..", Sasuke got off his bed, walking towards the door when he heard a loud female voice-

"Why isn't he opening his door yet?! He's really here, right?!"

-and immediately recognized it as Tsunade.

He signaled Naruto, who was sitting confusedly on his bed now, to come over quick.

Naruto immediately getting up and standing beside Sasuke.

-Knock, knock, knock-

"He's probably sleeping over at Sasuke's again", Jiraiya seemed to explain, knocking on the door to Sasuke's room.

Sasuke sighed, opening it slowly and Naruto instinctively hid behind Sasuke nervously. Thinking they might get teased again.

But before he had the chance to see who was at the door, he was being hugged -more like choked- by a big bosomed lady.

"Can't breath..", Naruto weakly but desperately voiced out.

Tsunade immediately let go and apologized, eyes teary but with an evident relief.

Naruto's eyes were widened comically, "..Prime Minister..?!", he desperately looked at Sasuke with disbelief, "..Eh??"

Tsunade chuckled, "Before being a Prime Minister, I'm supposed to be your Godmother. Minato - your dad, was like a son to me..", She said, voice full of emotions.

Naruto remembered hearing that they worked together and nodded, understanding, but still not knowing what to say.

"Shall we have breakfast together today?", she asked hopefully.

Naruto smiled, "Sure"

"Okay!", Tsunade smiled brightly, "I'll be downstairs waiting, come down after freshening up"

She turned to look at Sasuke, "Won't you join us too Sasuke? I've heard about how close you are to him", she smirked. Sasuke simply nodded.

Naruto blushed, he was used to it already so he didn't try to deny it anymore.

Tsunade noticed the blonde blushing and chuckled lovingly. Sasuke was a good kid, so she definitely approved.

After the two were left alone to get ready, Naruto turned to look at Sasuke.

"Are Prime Ministers so free these days that they can come so early in the morning??", he was genuinely curious.

Sasuke laughed, "No, they're definitely not! She must have dropped all her work and rushed here when she heard that you're Minato's son"

Naruto looked puzzled, "It still doesn't feel real.. Hearing about my parents", then smiled, "but I definitely wanna hear more!"

Sasuke smiled back, "Hn"

He leaned in closer to Sasuke, wrapping one of his arms around him and nuzzling his shoulder.

Sasuke grinned, pulling him into his arms and hugging him tighter.

Naruto giggled.

As he pulled away, Sasuke lightly kissed his cheek, one of his hands gently rubbing his hair.

Naruto smiled, leaning into his hand.

"Let's go freshen up soon before they lose their patience and come to get us", Sasuke said, nuzzling his nose then kissing it.

Naruto blushed, nodding. He leaned in for another hug before pulling away and going back to his own room to freshen up.

Sasuke was so glad to see that the blonde didn't get distant with him. Last night too, he'd asked to stay over again.

Even though Naruto had made it clear that he definitely didn't blame his brother, Sasuke still felt a little guilty.

But now, instead of getting distant like he'd feared, Naruto seems to be getting even closer to Sasuke.

He was so glad, and so happy. He couldn't wait to hold him in his arms again.

After he was done, he noticed that Naruto was already waiting for him in the hallway. He smiled.

Naruto grinned at him happily, and they quietly headed down.

Tsunade urged them to take a seat at the end table immediately after they entered.

They talked about a lot of things, but she mainly expressed how glad she was to know that he was safe and sound.

In the end, she had to leave earlier than expected due to the work she'd abandoned and sternly told Sasuke before rushing off, "I'll leave him in your care. I'll trust you to take care of him from now on too", making Sasuke nod seriously and say, "I definitely will", as she rushed off.

Naruto blushed, commenting on how it sounded like they're getting married.

Sasuke chuckled, not denying it, making him blush more.

Jiraiya smiled at them from the sidelines, trying his best to blend into background so as to not interrupt their cute little moment.


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