Chapter 4 : Flirting

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Sasuke, with his hand firmly placed on Naruto's waist, pulled the blushing young man as close to himself as possible, all the while wearing a flirty smirk that gave off a completely different vibe than his usual indifferent self.

Naruto watched him stop in front of the reception desk and smoothly mention having booked a room in advance, discreetly hinting that he's here to spend the night with his lover, but making it obvious at the same time since their appearance and attitude at moment screamed that they just finished having dinner at a classy restaurant before coming here to end their date after "doing the deed". Naruto blushed more after thinking this. Unintentionally trying to hide his face in Sasuke's shoulder, all the while thankful for the heavy make up on his face that's helping to cover up the natural redness underneath it.

He felt Sasuke's warm breath on his forehead as the raven lightly pecked it, before turning to the giggling female receptionist and saying, "He's super shy, you see, ain't he the cutest?", using the same flirtious tone but with a hint of pride. This made the girl giggle even more and agree with a squeal.

Now Naruto just wanted to bury himself alive to get this over with.

'So embarrassing~~~', he whined to himself.

Even as they walked towards the elevator, got inside and got out on their floor, Sasuke still kept up with the flirtious act, snuggling him and kissing him on the cheek or forehead now and then.

By the time they were inside the room and Sasuke finally let him go after closing the door, Naruto was reduced to utter nothingness.

Sasuke warily eyed him slowly crouch down covering his face with both hands and making a whining noise before mumbling in a barely audible voice, "Sasuke, you stupid teme, tell me beforehand if you're going to do emmbarassing stuff like that, you dumbass, I thought I was going to die out of embarrassment, didn't I~?"

Sasuke smirked, amused by his reaction. The raven had expected him to either hate it or be awkward about it, but then when he saw him catch onto his plan and play his role well by acting shy and clinging to him, he was actually quite impressed. But looking at him now, he released that it might not have been acting at all.

'Interesting..', he thought amusedly.

Seeing said interesting young man still crouching down with his hands covering his face, Sasuke knelt down beside him, patting his head, offhandedly thinking his blonde hair is way softer and nicer to touch than this well made brunette wig, and said, "What's there to be embarrassed about? It was just an act. Or did you like it so much that you couldn't help but feel shy?", he purposely teased him, smirking wide.

"Shut up, dumbass!", Naruto yelled, punching his shoulder, "Unlike someone here, I'm not really used to stuff like this so even if it's just an act, I really can't handle it! So stop teasing me, teme!"

Sasuke smiled warmly, without even realizing it, "I'm not used to it either, I usually don't do missions that involves dressing up as someone else or playing a role like this, but I can't take up the more dangerous ones I usually do with you tagging along now, So bare with me, dobe", he gently caressed his nape, making Naruto shiver, "I only took this up cause I was partnered up with you, I thought I could do it if it was you" he slowly moved his hand away, getting up to stand, "I don't get comfortable with people in general so feel honored to have made me feel this comfortable with you, in such a short time at that", he smirked, walking into the bathroom.

Naruto sat there blankly for quite some time before getting up and walking towards the huge bed.

He didn't know what exactly Sasuke meant by what he just said but he could tell that the raven was being affectionate towards him, and caring for him in his own way.

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