Chapter 1 : Entangled

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Naruto stood frozen in his place at the door, staring at those blood red eyes almost like he was getting sucked into them.

The raven lowered the hand that held the gun and turned to face the blonde, not once breaking the eye contact.

He slowly took a step forward, not a sound was made as he walked towards the blonde. Both not even blinking.

Naruto was almost mesmerized. It was as if he was stuck in a dream, paralyzed and unable to move.

Naruto blinked.

The moment he broke the stare and blinked, the red eyed boy had closed the distance between them in less than second.

Naruto gasped.

He knew he had to run but his mind was blank and his body uncooperative. All he could do was shut his eyes as tight as possible.

He felt a sharp pain at the back of his neck and felt himself lean forward.

The last thing he remembered was the slight smell of metallic rust mixed in with a strange citrusy smell, which was surprisingly pleasant to intake.

When he next opened his eyes, he was at a dimly lit, posh looking, small bar. Covered in a soft blanket, and layed on top of a comfy sofa next to a table with drinks, glasses and snacks randomly scattered on top.

"Awake already, huh", a voice spoke from behind him.

Naruto put his legs down and sat properly on the seat on which he was sleeping on. Three sides of the messy table had the same seat surrounding it.

He dazedly looked to his right from where he'd heard the voice, and familiar blood red eyes were staring at him.

The raven looked away, calmly sipping his drink with his eyes closed.

Naruto gulped, not knowing what to make of this situation.

"Oh, looks like our little guest is awake!", a tall older man said as he came out of a room with a 'Staff Only' sign on it's door, while tying up his long corse silver hair.

"Hello, lil' blonde, I'm Jiraiya, what's your name?", he asked politely with a friendly smile as proceeded to clean up the messy table.

Naruto felt a bit irked at the 'little' comment and replied with a troubled face, "Naruto.. And I'm not really 'little', I'm already 24.."

The older man laughed heartily as he took the empty utensils away, came back with a cloth to wipe up the table and said with a grin while wiping the table, "You sure look young, I thought you were still a teen, my bad, my bad"

"Uh..", Naruto shot a glance at the raven that still sat while sipping at his drink and hesitantly asked the older man, "How did I get here and why?"

"Hmmm... Do you remember what you saw before you lost consciousness?", Jiraiya smiled with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Naruto flinched, remembering what he'd seen, how could he ever forget that terrifying scene, "...What are you planning to do to me..?", he sat up straight, ready to run if need be.

Jiraiya laughed again, putting away the cloth he used to clean, "Nothing! Nothing at all! Even if you tell people what you saw, there's no evidence left anymore to back up your words, so you can relax, lil' blonde!"

As soon as he heard that he wasn't in danger, the blonde relaxed, a bit too much even, enough to yell at the older man, "Don't call me 'little', old man!!", as he proceeded to pout. There was a time when he was really conscious about his height, so he hated being called 'little', even though he's not short anymore and knows that the older man didn't say it in that sense, it still didn't sit right with him.

"Oy, oy, who're calling old, huh?!", Jiraiya grinded his fist into the blonde's head, half-jokingly.

"Ughh! what's all this noise dammit?! Can't a guy sleep in peace here?!", said a loud voice from the seat in front of Naruto's,  the blonde who hadn't realized that another person was there in front of him at the same table jumped at the sudden loud outburst, startled.

"OH!! Look who's awake! Hey there, blondie! What's your name?! I heard you caught Sasuke killing that old fart!", he laughed pointing his thumb at the raven, "he didn't scare you too much, did he? It's his fault for being careless and getting caught so if he threatens you or somethin' just lemme know and I'll take care of him!", he shot him a friendly grin, showing his canines.

Naruto was speechless at the other boy's loud talkativeness, but he certainly didn't hate it.

'So his name's Sasuke..', Naruto offhandedly thought as he replied with a bright grin of his own, "He didn't really threaten me so it's fine. I'm Naruto. What about you?"

"Inuzuka Kiba! The best Hitman in the organization! I say 'organisation' but there's only a handful of us. We're super skilled though so you can count on us if you wanna make someone silently disappear from this world", he said with a wild evil grin, almost like he's joking but being completely serious.

"Hahah", Naruto laughed awkwardly not knowing what to say.

The raven, known as Sasuke, coughed tauntingly, "'Best', yeah right.."

"Oy, red eyes, you gotta problem with what I said?", the brunette growled, almost like a wild beast.

"..Whatever", Sasuke looked away, going back to clamly sipping at his drink, which was almost empty by then, making him pause and call for the older man, "Master, refill please"

"Hai-you~ Coming right up!", said Jiraiya from behind the counter, putting away the glass he was wiping.

"Tch..", Kiba clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes at Sasuke for just a moment before turning to the blonde and grinning again, "This guy's a total jerk so just ignore him, 'kay?"

Naruto couldn't help but be amused by their interactions. They seemed scary at first, and honestly they really are even now, but they don't really seem like bad people per say. How strange, even though they're supposed to murderers, compared to those people who he took that sketchy private loan from, these guys really seem too good.

Naruto laughed, both at their interaction that was almost funny and at his own thoughts for even thinking something like how these murderers seem kind.

"Shit.. It's been a while since I laughed this much.. My stomach hurts", he giggled and grinned, "You guys seem so fun to hang out with"

"Really? Then do wanna join us? you can make tons of money in no time after just one contract~", Kiba smiled, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, leaning against the table.

Jiraiya who'd just arrived at the table with a new drink for Sasuke paused in his tracks, Sasuke too perked up, both curious about how the blonde would react.

Naruto didn't think it was okay or right to take someone's life, no matter what type of person they were, he believed everyone's life had an equal worth.

But right now, when he heard that he could easily earn that much needed money, he really couldn't care less about what sort of horrid sin he'd have to commit for it.

He must have been more tired living this aimless life, trying to pay off that never ending debt, way more than he expected himself to be.

"Sure, I'd be glad to join", before he knew it he found himself agreeing to it, making all three of them look at him with equally serious expression on their faces.


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