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A big plot twist awaits for everyone. When Yoongi found Taehyung wounded & bare footed in the middle of nowhere the previous night, he knows there's no going back for him. He knows it will be enough reason for Jungkook to stay once he learned the truth.

And to be honest, Yoongi is torn between informing his cousin the truth or let fate do its thing between the two. So when Jimin arrived at his house, he can't help but rant at him.

"Jimin you don't understand! We are not in a certain k-drama that after all this chaos there will be sure happy ending for those two. Taehyung is married for goodness sake and Jungkook is about to finally achieve his dreams in South Africa! How coincidental that this is all happening now that my cousin is less than two weeks away from his dreams?!" Yoongi is beyond frustrated!

"Yah! Hyung lower your voice, Taehyung is just on the other room. We already agreed that we are not making the choices for them. You're the one who told me that they are old enough to decide for themselves." Jimin reminded him of their past conversations.

"That was before I saw how Bogum treats Taehyung and how Jungkook feels about Taehyung. God! Jimin can u imagine how I freaked out when Jungkook suddenly appeared here last night? And just right after he woke me up, I received the call! If it's not for Guk, I wouldn't have answered that poor boy's call!"

The two stared at each other.

"Hyung do you believe in soulmates? Or maybe reincarnations?" Jimin asked the older.

"WTF?! Jimin this is not even a k-drama! How would u expect me to believe on those?! We are not in a fairy tale Jimin!" Yoongi snorted.

"But how can you explain all those coincidences hyung?!" Jimin asked getting even more frustrated.

"I don't know Chim. I just really hope this could end well. Those two deserves to be happy. They're still young & they both still are working hard to achieve their dreams." Yoongi sat beside Jimin.


It's almost 5 in the afternoon when Taehyung woke up again. Aside from eating his lunch a while ago, he did nothing but sleep or at least pretend to be asleep so he could avoid Yoongi and Jimin who keeps checking on him. Thankfully, no one between the two informed Jungkook yet.

Taehyung decided to check his phone's calendar and mumbled a couple of words to himself before getting off the bed which probably is Yoongi's guest room.

"Tae, I'm glad you're finally awake." Jimin squealed when he saw the other getting out of the room.

"Hi there Chim!"

Jimin quickly step closer to him when he noticed how he limps while walking.

"Istg Tae, I'm going to castrate that f*cking psycho!" Jimin bit his own tongue the moment he said that. He knows that his best friend is still uncomfortable about that matter but he's shocked when he heard Taehyung chuckles.


"What?!" Taehyung innocently asked. They both sit on the sofa on Yoongi's living room.

"You are not supposed to be okay? Not that I'm complaining. But--" Jimin is cut off by another giggle.

"Hey, I'm okay Jimin. Stop being over dramatic!"

Jimin's jaw dropped! He got more anxious seeing Taehyung like this. He's giggling and laughing but he's a lot scarier?!

"Kim Taehyung!" he yelled at him trying to shake his core, but Taehyung just look him in the eyes.

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