Chp 14- Kinky situation

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*Renamed from sticky situation to kinky situation for obvious reasons*

Warning: Suggestive Content (Nsfw) and severe Secondhand Embarrassment. Enjoy ^^

-Third POV-
This lasted for weeks. Nightmare would have to emotionally support Error as Dawn but then act like he didn't care for him at all as Nightmare. It was draining and he didn't know how much longer he could keep it up.

It hurt being around Error, one second he hates Nightmare's guts and would rather be stabbed than hang around him, and then the next Error treated him as if he was the best person to have ever lived. Nightmare hated his weaker self at this point. Error favored Dawn, he was touchy when it came to him but If Nightmare even thought about touching Error, shit was gonna go down. Nightmare was going the extra mile for someone who didn't even care he existed. He was pretty sure that was what a simp was.

The gang hadn't gone on any heists in a while. The negative guardian was already trying to balance being Nightmare and Dawn, he didn't want the Star Sanses up his ass too. Dust had asked Nightmare many times if he was alright but Nightmare would just dodge the question, pretending he was busy.

Things started getting suspicious, so Nightmare had assigned his gang to cause chaos in a nearby Au. He was sitting in his office, trying to relax from all the drama. Dust bursts into his room. A glare was shot at him. "Sorry boss, but it's urgent!" Dust said in a hurry. Nightmare got up from his seat with urgency. "What is it?" Dust looked away. "It's Error...He was taken..." Nightmare's soul throbbed. "By Ink!?" He growled. The hooded skeleton shook his head. "We don't know who took him. This person was wearing a hooded cloak to shield their identity." Nightmare quickly teleported to the Au he had assigned them.

Horror, Killer, Cross, and Xchara looked at him with worry. "Which way did they go!?" Nightmare asked with urgency. They stayed quiet for they did not know. "They teleported somewhere" Cross stated. Nightmare searched for Error's emotions. He found them in an abandoned Au. Nightmare growled under his breath. "I found them, Stay here in case they come back." He melted into goo and formed back inside the abandoned universe. 

Error was unconscious, lying against a tree. He had an object connected to his wrist. Nightmare quickly made his way to the sleeping destroyer. He was gonna wake him but noticed the object connected to his wrist. The dark skeleton reach to inspect the thing but quickly noticed the object was a fuzzy handcuff. A hand came from around the tree and cuffed Nightmare's wrist, connecting him to Error. "What the hell!?" Nightmare hissed. He paused as the mysterious cloaked person stepped from behind the tree. They pulled their hood down, making Nightmare groan. "Lust... what. the actual. Hell. is wrong with you!?" Lust only chuckled at Nightmare's reaction. 

The purple-clothed skeleton hushed the cuffed king of darkness. "The destroyer is sleeping. And you might want to start looking for the keys before he wakes up." The king of darkness raised a bone brow. "What are you talking about?" he asked the smirking skeleton before him. "Those cuffs cut off magic, and I doubt you two would want to be out here a long time. So I suggest getting started if you don't want Error to probably break his arm off. Remember, the key to your freedom is in here" He said while holding his hands to his chest. 

"I have to admit my feelings to get the keys? gross..." Nightmare thought. 

Lust winked "Good luck!" He said. "Get me out of here you piece of-!" Nightmare was cut off by Lust teleporting away.

The guardian looked down at the sleeping skeleton. He noticed that the cuffs were connected to chains that were connected to the tree Error was sleeping against. So they were stuck here for real. He sighed. 

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