Chp 10- Love?

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-Nobody's POV-

Cross held up XChara like he was Simba from the Lion king. He smiled as if he had achieved something "This is XChara! My son!" XChara just blushed from embarrassment

"I'm not your son you old bag of bones! Now put me down!!" Horror and Killer snickered in the background as XChara smacked Cross in the face repeatedly. Error laughed as well.

He never had this much fun with strangers he just met in a long time.

Horror took the smaller child from Cross and held him up "So you're XChara? You are Pale...Maybe he hasn't eaten?" Horror asked, turning towards Killer "I dunno...hmm OH!  Let's feed him every Sans' favorite!! Ketchup!!"

Horror's eyelight starred up "Yesss!!!!"

XChara's face changed to disgust "Hell No! Put me down now! This is just my natural skin tone!!!" He screamed all the way to the kitchen. Cross smiled as he turned to Error "You coming?"

Error shook his head "Imma go explore if you don't mind.." Cross nodded, then he ran into the kitchen.

Error made his way down the first floor hallway. He saw pictures up on the wall..not pictures of friends or family but of people they hated with X-marks over their heads.

'I guess that's a homey touch..' Error thought as he passed them up. He also passed up the bedrooms. At the end of the hall, He came to a door. The door was beat up, looked as if it had been set on fire, stabbed, scratched and or kicked. Error pushed the door open.

In the room was some sort of gym, like a training area. It had weapons hung on the walls, Punching bags, weights, sparring areas, they even had guns....Error had never even seen them USE GUNS..

He left it alone...for now.
There was a barred window. Next to that window was a metal door. He could only assume it was some sort of Torture chamber in there. Now he kinda wanted one of his own.

Error left the room. He didn't know if it was because the room gave him chills or because he needed to stop his temptations to use the guns...

He paused at the door.."Maybe one gun wouldn't hurt.." he whispered.
", I don't need or want a gun.."

Error stroked the gun as he exited the room once again..he rubbed it as if it were a pet of his. As He walked away from the training/torture room, He stashed the gun away in his jacket pocket, the one on the inside, where he stashes his stolen chocolates.

Error now was interested on what was upstairs.
He made his way up as he still heard XChara screams of terror.

Ah chaos..his second favorite joy..

Error had spotted a particularly interesting book in the lecture room, very different from the rest. The book was titled "The Ways of Evil"

He grabbed it off the shelf and sat in one of the very comfy chairs..

Not as nice as his beanbag but it was comfy..

Just as he opened the book and began reading he heard Killer call out to everybody "BOSS CALLED A MEETING!!" Error's socket twitched in annoyance...he already hated this..

Soon the meeting began and Error's book was put away..
Nightmare stood at the head of the room, giving instructions on their next heist mission.
"And if the Ink-blot shows before we finish, I want you all to retreat..Error and I will take care of him. Any redundant questions?" Nightmare groaned.

Killer raised his hand "I would be more than happy to help out against Ink" Nightmare rolled his one teal eyelight. "No. You will stick to the plan...that is all...Dust I would like to talk to you in private" Dust groaned "Yes Boss.."

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