Chapter 33 - "The Chaos is Back, Boys."

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- Chapter 33 - The First Day Back After the Strike -
Warnings: Nothing really. Some joking, but nothing that bad
Third Person POV

A/N, I lied. I'm posting this today because Stage wants to get the three books out as fast as she can (: and see comments lol

"Morning, Weasel!" Race exclaims, a bright grin on his face as he slapped down his money.

Weasel looks from the money to Race, taking the cigar out of his mouth. "You sound like Jack." He comments.

Jack chuckles with Crutchie.

"Except your voice is higher pitched." Oscar comments from behind Weasel as he counts papers.

"And you look like Spot, only you look like you're a puppy trying to be scary and failing, whereas Spot succeeds." Race shoots Oscar a sarcastic smile as he takes his papers.

Oscar rolls his eyes. "Jerk." He mutters under his breath.





"Fair point." Race shrugs, turning to walk away.

Almost everyone there- Weasel and Morris included- chuckle or laugh at them.

Race sits down next to Jack and Crutchie.

The two older boys look at him and laugh.

Race looks up from tying his shoes, raising an eyebrow. "What?" He asks.

Still chuckling, Jack shakes his head. "Nothing, Racer."

Race shrugs it off, going back to tying his shoes.

When he finished, he grabbed a paper and started reading it, looking for anything useful or anything he could change into an interesting headline.

After a few minutes, Davey sat next to them and Race heard some chaos.

"Pirate-wannabe!" Albert screeches. "That's my hat!" He starts running after Blink.

Blink laughs, waving the hat around as he sprints around the square. "Come and get it, Robin-hood!" He shouts back.

Race looks over at Crutchie.

The two boys laugh together.

"Blink..." Mush starts slowly, looking nervous.

Blink stopped in his tracks. "Yes, Mushy?" He asks, looking concerned.

"I can't figure this out." Mush admits quietly, looking defeated.

Blink turns around and chucks Albert's hat at said redhead, before heading over to help his boyfriend quickly.

"What happened?" Blink asks quickly, his hands cupping Mush's cheeks as he lifts his head to stare him in the eyes. "Are you okay? What do you need help with?" He questions.

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