❤︎Wedding Day❤︎

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Today is the day.

Today is the day where I'm going to get married to the love of my life.

Niki and I are going to be married.

It's surreal.


It wasn't hard to wake up today. Sleeping was the hard part. I didn't see Niki laying next to me, she was probably talking with Cara or on the phone with her mom. I got out of bed and put socks on. I walked down the hallway, which led to the kitchen. Once I walked past the doorway, I saw Phil and Kristin. They were both sat at the counter, drinking coffee, and engaged in a conversation. It took a few seconds before one of the two to notice my presence. Kristin turned her head and looked at me, then smiled. Phil did the same in due time.

"There they are." Phil said, the smile still on his face. Kristin got up and pulled me into a hug, and a long one at that. I heard Phil get up and stand behind her. Once Kristin let go, Phil then hugged me. The two had always seemed like parents to me. They were there on the worst of days, and they always seemed to make the darkest things a little brighter. "See what happens when you trust us?"
Cue the flashback

"Why should I? I'm perfectly fine being alone. All I need is a roommate, not a girlfriend or a date or whatever." I said while shrugging. Phil mumbled something that I didn't catch, but Kristen slapped his arm lightly. Great. "Y/N, listen, okay? She's nice, pretty, and funny. Literally nothing can go wrong. Please put your guard down, and trust us."

End of Flashback
"I did trust you, I just was afraid." I responded. Phil let go of the hug.  I saw the expression the two had on their face.  Kristin's face was clear to read. She was happy. Phil's expression, I couldn't read it. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes. Oh. Kristin and Phil both had tears in their eyes. "I'm so happy things worked out between you two." Kristin stated. "Fuck i'm gonna cry stop." I said, my voice was cracking. The couple laughed, and I wiped the tears out of my eyes. After a couple minutes passed of us sharing memories and moments we've had to get us to the point we were at now, I asked what the agenda was for the day. "Okay so the day's plans are very jumbled and there's a lot of them. So at 10:00, we'll get your makeup and hair done, then get you in your dress. After that we'll have a bridesmaids first look, and the other bridesmaids first look. Then the ceremony will be held. Once that's done, we'll have pictures taken, and then the wedding reception will take place at around 6:00." I nodded slowly, then looked at the clock. It was 8:47. That's enough time to stream. The plan was to stream and act like it was going to be a normal day. Niki and I would surprise the fans that we were married after the fact. I started my PC up, put my hair in a ponytail, and started the stream.

"Hello chat! How are we doing today?" I looked at the chat, which was going fast. I continued to talk to my viewers. "I hope you're doing well today! If you're not I hope you feel better and I love you guys." I said with a smile. "I think we should do a q&a, yeah? I think that would be fun." I looked at the clock which read 9:00. That's enough time. "Okay you guys can send the questions in twitter or the twitch chat, which ever you prefer." I chatted my viewers up, asking for their plans for the day, until one of my viewers asked what my plans were. "Today i'll uhm, be hanging around Niki and our friends and yeah. Thank you for asking! I think i'll start the q&a now." I think I pulled that off, right? I shook my head, acting as if that memory will fly out of my head with the sudden movements, but they remained in the front of my head. I opened twitter, and checked the threads from my tweet. (idk how twitter works BUT ANYWAYSSS) I answered as many questions as I could, before the clock hit 9:40. Once I saw the change of time, I started to say my goodbyes and farewells. "Chatttt. I need to go and do very important things. Yes, very important. I am looking forward to our next stream! Bye chat, love youu!" I clicked the end stream button, and made sure to turn my computer off.

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