Let's Get Down To Business - A Mentalist fanfiction (Patrick Jane)

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“I'm hurt from that Lisbon, hurt.”

I rolled over in my makeshift bed and pressed my face into the soft pillow, sighing as I stretched my stiff muscles.

There was tumbling laughter from the left and I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, trying to ignore the light that was filtering into the room. I groaned.

“Goodbye Lisbon. See you soon.”

I suddenly remembered where I was and sat upright abruptly, blanket sliding down from around my shoulders. There was the snap of a phone being shut and I peeked over the back of the couch at Jane, who was rummaging around in the kitchen.

The vest and jacket of his 3 piece suit where hanging off the counter, and I could see the muscles in his back stretching and flexing as he poured milk into a cup, cuffs rolled halfway up his forearms.

I stared.

There was a soft, tinkling sound as Jane stirred sugar into his tea and then he turned slowly around, a cup in each hand, and smiled brilliantly when he saw me peering across the room.

A few buttons at the top of his shirt were yet to be done up and I tried not to be obvious as I admired the golden skin I could see and the fine, blond hair sitting atop his chest.

Jane motioned for me to join him at the counter.

“Come drink your tea Charlotte, and please hand me your phone, if you wouldn't mind.” He smiled warmly, skin at the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Oh, and, the last of those requests is rather urgent,” he added with a chuckle.

I wrapped the blanket around me and tucked it firmly beneath my arms, remembering with perfect clarity how my whole body had flushed red in a blush the night before when Jane had walked in to fond me in nothing but a pair of shorts almost the size of underwear and a sleeveless singlet.

“Why do you n-n-need my phone?” I murmured sleepily, stifling a yawn with my hand as I fell down in a seat next to him. Jane appraised me silently for a moment, long fingers popping the remainder of his buttons into place and then picking up his navy blue vest, and I stared into my tea, hands curled around its warmth.

“I need to power it down so it can't be tracked,” he answered finally as I sipped at my drink. “And also...” Jane's fingers twisted around a lock of sapphire hair that had escaped the bun I'd put it in last night, then slowly tucked it behind my ear with a smile. I nearly choked on my tea.

“Good morning,” he murmured.

“Well they'll be wasting their time trying to find me like that,” I muttered as Jane slid into his vest and began doing it up from the top down. “I don't' have a phone.”

Jane looked legitimately surprised and I realized I liked being able to catch him off guard. The know-it-all brought it on himself.

“You don't? Even I have a phone Charlotte, and I'm practically a caveman when it comes to technology.”

I snorted suddenly into my cup, in a very unladylike manner, at the thought of this charming, unorthodox beauty living off instincts in a cave. Then I shrugged.

“I couldn't afford a good one, so I never bothered,” I explained, bringing my tea to my lips again.

Jane clicked the button into place and picked up his jacket, swinging it around his shoulders. He grinned.

“Yet you could afford to uphold this?” he questioned, gesturing to my hair, and I giggled.

“It's a matter of prioritizing, Jane.” He laughed and slid into the last piece of his suit, then gulped at his tea.

A Mentalist fanfiction (Patrick Jane)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin