Peter isn't breathing!

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Clint and Natasha, and Peter were in the livingroom. Peter was taking a nap on the couch while Clint and Natasha were talking quietly in the corner. As Clint was opening his mouth to speak, he heard shallow steady breathing come to a stop. He frowned concerningly, the archer stood up and went over to Peter.

He lifted his hand to the spider's nose to feel for his breath and looked at his chest to see it completely still. Panicking, he not-so-quietly yelled "NAT PETER ISN'T BREATHING!" The spy rushed over and started to try and wake up Peter. "Come on Pete wake up!"

After 2 long minutes of hell for the two Avengers, Peter finally woke up. "Huh? What are you two doing?" Peter says sleepily, "Pete you weren't breathing!" "What?....oh...oh" ok, maybe he forgot to tell them he inherited more than he let on from that radioactive spider.

As Peter was still trying to get his bearings, Marinette walk in. She looked at the scene in front of her and took a big gulp of her concerningly large coffee and sighed. "Peter you absolute loveable dumbass." Peter grinned, "but I'm your loveable dumbass."
My parting gift for this wonderful piece of trash book! Thank you all so much for reading!!

- Lixy <3

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