The New Team

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Mechanical breathing is all Dooku hears as he stands next to Galen waiting at the entrance to their base of operations. He doesn't blame the poor man as Dooku understands the suit is mostly what's keeping the man alive. He would be a liar however if he said it didn't get annoying after a while.

"What is your reason?" Galen asks conversationally.

Dooku glances to him with a raised eyebrow. "Reason for what?"

"Serving our mistress." Galen specifies. "I know my reason. What is yours?"

Dooku turned his gaze back to the door. "This planet is in chaos. The four governments are corrupted and rule with iron fists. They claim they fight to protect the people, yet they send children to the battlefield, and abandon the villages that aren't within the walls to their kingdoms." Dooku's explanation gives Galen pause though after a moment Dooku continues. "This Ozpin man has failed humanity for far too long. I intend to utilize the power of the Relics to fix that."

Galen nods accepting the response. "An admirable goal." He says. "Has Salem agreed with you?"

Dooku glances to Galen. "So she says, but I'm sure we both know not to trust everything our superiors say." Dooku says. "You've been betrayed just as much as I have been. Now we both reside here."

"And your hatred for Skywalker?" Galen asks.

"The same reason as yours." Dooku states. "It doesn't matter which of us is successful, but eventually, one of us will end him."

Finally the door opens as three figures at silhouetted by the moonlight. In the center was a man holding a helmet, to the right was a man with several horns coming from his head, and to the left was a man with the same horns yet taller and bulkier than anyone else in the building.


Ahsoka waits in the elevator until it beeps and the door opens. Within the room was only Ozpin. "Miss Tano." He greets. "Come take a seat."

Ahsoka nods doing as asked while taking comfort from the genuine and kind smile Ozpin was giving. "Thank you Professor." She says politely.

"Tell me." Ozpin starts leaning back in his chair. "Have you found my school to be as you hoped?"

"Yes." Ahsoka says. "Everyone I've met so far has been mostly kind, and the layout is simple enough that I don't believe I'll get lost."

Ozpin chuckles. "We'll then I believe it is time I give you this." He states as he grabs something from his table and offers it to her. A Scroll Ahsoka recognized. Taking it she opens the small device as her picture pops up on the screen showcasing her name and birthdate before asking for her to create a password. She dose so before the screen opens up a menu with several apps including one listed as Beacon Scheduling. She opens the app as it showcases a her school schedule and her new dorm room number.

Looking up she smiles. "Thank you Professor."

"You are most certainly welcome." Ozpin says. "Now run along, and welcome to Beacon."


Ahsoka looks at her scroll again as she checks the room number. Looking back to the door she sees the numbers match. Nodding to herself she knocks on the door. After a few moments a boy with blue hair answers, Neptune if she recalled.

"Hello?" He questions.

"Hi, I'm Ahsoka." Ahsoka introduces. "I think we met in the Cafeteria once?"

His eyes flash with recognition. "Right yeah."

"Anyways I was told by Ozpin that this was my new dorm." Ahsoka explains.

Neptune smiles. "Ah so your the new team leader." He says.

"Yeah I... wait team leader?" Ahsoka was suprised. Ozpin had failed to mention that part.


Anakin and Blake walk along in the courtyard enjoying each other's company. "So I heard that there's going to be a small break just before the festival."

"Really?" Blake questions with a raised eyebrow.

Anakin shrugs. "I don't know, but I thought it would be a good chance to do some exploring." He explains. Blake ponders that as her thoughts drift. Anakin notices and gives her a questioning look. "You okay?"

"Huh?" She says before realizing she had started spacing out. "Sorry. Just thinking about home."

Anakin frowns. This was the first time she spoke about her home directly. "You wanna talk about it?" He asks carefully.

Blake furrows her brow in thought. Eventually she sighs. "I... didn't leave home on the best of terms. The last words to my parents before I left were horrible. They probably hate me for leaving."

"Why would they hate you for leaving?" Anakin asks.

"Because I left to join in the... more violent approaches for the Fang." Blake explains. "It wasn't much longer after that where I started to learn just how horrible the things The White Fang were doing. More specifically Adam."

"Who's Adam?" Anakin questions.

Blake debates how to answer that. "He was like a mentor for me at the time... no, he was more than that. Then he started making 'mistakes', or getting in the middle of Accidents. He kept killing people, and it only got worse. He's the biggest reason why I left."

Anakin nods understanding. "I'm sorry you had to experience that." He says.

"It wasn't your fault." Blake says waving it off.

"Still though. I can't imagine your parents hating you." Anakin states.

Blake frowns. "You don't know what terrible things I yelled at them." She had started to tear up at the memory. "I even called them cowards."

"It doesn't matter." Anakin says. "A parent should never stop loving their child." That's when an idea came to mind. "Why don't we ask them?"

"Huh?" Blake's head spun to look at him quickly trying to process the question. "Wait, right now?"

"Not right this second. We only have half of this week off." Anakin denies. "But during the break. We have what? Two weeks off."

Blake flushes at the idea, but frowns. "But my home is in Menagerie."

"And?" Anakin questions obviously not understanding.

Blake sighs. " The people of Menagerie aren't as friendly to humans."

Anakin shrugs. "People can call me whatever they want." He says . "If people don't like me, then they don't like me."

Blake gives Anakin a worried glance. "Do you really think it's a good idea?" She asks.

"I'll be fine." Anakin assures. "Besides. You should at least try to speak to your parents. If you were mean to them than apologize and give them a hug. I'm sure that would help."

Blake nods lightly. "I guess."

Anakin and his adventures in Remnant: A RWBY Story/ Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now