Battle Of The Eclipse

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"What's taking Anakin's group so long!" Yang shouted before punching a Beowolfs head clean off.

"We're in hostile territory Yang." Blake reasons as she shoots two Creeps to death. "They might've run into more heavy resistance."

"Well they better get back soon because we're running out of Ammo." Yang says.

Meanwhile Anakin groans in pain as he sits up. He had fallen onto his back. 'Let's add sensing danger to the list of my abilities that seem to be failing me.' He thought. When he stood up he could see the others getting up as well. Looking around he noticed that they seemed to be in a massive man made cave with a computer screen on one wall and A massive door on another. It looked like it could house something bigger than a Rancor which worried Anakin a bit.

"Was that worry I sensed in you." A dark voice said.

"What?" Anakin mutters to himself looking around for the source.

"Your strength is dwindling Anakin." The voice claimed. "And your personal weakness STILL Remains!"

"I don't even know who you are." Anakin responds. He then looked over to JNPR and Crimson. Most of them had their attention on the door but Crimson was looking at him in concern.

"Anakin?" He questions. "Who are you talking to."

"It's nothing." Anakin says hurriedly. "Let's focus on the threat in front of us." Crimson nods in agreement with JNPR all in fighting stances and combat ready. Anakin ignites his lightsaber letting the blue blade of light ease into the Ataru Lightsaber form.

Ahead of them the large metallic doors began to screech as they slowly opened. The computer screen then came to life showing a Merlot hologram on the screen. "Say hello to my One Of A Kind Specimen." He says. Once the doors opened all the group saw was a black abyss of a cave until green glowing eyes began to light up along with green veins. "Nature couldn't make a beast this deadly, so I did!" Stomping out from the darkness revealing its many eyes and bone like pincers was the growling head of a Mutated Deathstalker.

"Um..." Jaune gulps. "That doesn't look good."

"It isn't." Anakin says. Anakin throws his saber at the beast as the Mutant lifts its pincers in defense. Once the saber cane in contact with its target Anakin began to get Vary worried. The blade simply bounced off as Anakin called it back.

"Okay." Crimson says with a sigh. "That's some total Bullshit."

The Mutant slams it's pincers into the ground causing a massive wave of green crystals to raise from the ground straight toward the group. Anakin, Crimson, Ren, and Pyrrha jumped over the crystals while Nora stood in front of Jaune before smashing the crystals coming for them with her hammer.

"Thanks Nora." Jaune says gratefully.

Anakin the force jumps onto the Deathstalkers head and attempts to stab his saber into its eye. The Deathstalker however slams its stinger down on Anakin. Pyrrha then turns her sword into its spear form before throwing it with a gunshot nailing the target Anakin had tried to hit causing it to shriek and stagger back. Jaune was quick to notice Anakin hadn't gotten up after that hit.

"Pyrrha! Grab Anakin!" He shouts. He then turns to Nora. "Nora distract it!"

"You got it!" Nora shouts. She then turns her hammer into its grenade launcher form and ran off to the right side fireing off explosive rounds at the beast. Pyrrha rushed in quickly grabbing Anakin and hoisting him over her shoulder before rushing back to the others. Ren had somehow made his way onto the stinger and started shooting the point between the tip and the tail. The Mutant Grimm shrikes again flinging him around while he held on for dear life.

Crimson rushes forward before slamming the back end of his spear into the ground and vaulting himself in the air above the stinger. Nora fires off a grenade round at its face causing the Mutant to stop stagger for a moment causing the stinger to flail slower helping Crimson jam his spear where Ren had been shooting causing his spear to stick out from both ends of the tail. He then quickly starts trying to twist it while Ren unloads more rounds into it. The tip snaps off and falls onto its head leaving the stinger to break through the Mutant's tough shell and stick into its head.

"Nora nail it!" Jaune shouts. Nora grins as she shifts her weapon back to being a hammer before running over to Pyrrha who ready's herself to launch the girl. Nora hops on Pyrrha's shield and Pyrrha boosts her with Nora fireing a grenade on it sending the happy ginger girl flying in the air before coming right back down with a mighty laugh slamming the hammer onto the stinger sending it right through. The Mutant Grimm shrieks in pain before collapsing. Much to the relief of everyone it began disintegrating.

With the threat taken care of everyone rushes over to Anakin who was unconscious. "Is he alright?" Pyrrha asks with worry.

"I don't know." Jaune answers. "We have to..."

"NOOOOOO!!!!" Merlots voice sounded out in fury and heart break. "My perfect specimen!!!!"

The group ignored him as he began to curse them and rant at them instead focusing on Anakin. "What should we do?" Crimson asks.

"Let's get him out of here." Jaune says.

Anakin and his adventures in Remnant: A RWBY Story/ Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now